Chris Jones : Publications


Christopher B. Jones, Kristin Stock, Sarah Perkins (2024). AI-based Discovery of Habitats from Museum Collections. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39(4), pp. 323-327 DOI:


Shubham Sinha, Tarun Vijeta, Pratik Kishor Kubde, Ayush Pradeep Gajbhiye, Mansi Anup Radke, Christopher Jones (2023). Sarcasm detection in product reviews using textual entailment approach. NLPIR-23 Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, pp 310-318.

Stock, K., Wijegunarathna, K., Jones, C. B., Morris, H., Das, P., Medyckyj-Scott, D., and Whitehead, B. (2023). The BioWhere Project: Unlocking the Potential of Biological Collections Data. GI_Forum 2023, 11, pp 3-21.

Aflaki, N., Stock, K., Jones, C.B., Guesgen, H., Fukuzawa, Y. and Morley, J. (2023). The Koja web mapping application for context-sensitive natural language spatial querying. First International Workshop on Geographic Information Extraction from Texts (GeoExT) at the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023), Dublin, April 2, 2023.

Padraig Corcoran and Christopher B. Jones (2023) Topological data analysis for geographical information science using persistent homology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 37:3, 712-745, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2022.2155654


Niloofar Aflaki, Kristin Stock, Christopher B. Jones, Hans Guesgen, Jeremy Morley, Yukio Fukuzawa (2022). What Do You Mean You're in Trafalgar Square? Comparing Distance Thresholds for Geospatial Prepositions. 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2022.1

Ruoxuan Liao, Pragyan P Das, Christopher B Jones, Niloofar Aflaki, Kristin Stock (2022). Predicting Distance and Direction from Text Locality Descriptions for Biological Specimen Collections, 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2022.4

Mansi Radke, Abhibha Gupta, Kristin Stock and Christopher B. Jones (2022). Disambiguating spatial prepositions: The case of geo-spatial sense detection , Transactions in GIS. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12976

Niloofar Aflaki, Kristin Stock, Christopher B. Jones, Hans Guesgen & Jeremy Morley (2022). An empirical study of the semantic similarity of geospatial prepositions and their sense , Spatial Cognition & Computation, DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2022.2111683

Kristin Stock, Christopher B. Jones and Thora Tenbrink (2022). Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research, Spatial Cognition & Computation, DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2022.2095275

Kristin Stock, Christopher B. Jones, Shaun Russell, Mansi Radke, Prarthana Das and Niloofar Aflaki (2022). Detecting geospatial location descriptions in natural language text. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

Thomas Edwards, Christopher B. Jones and Padraig Corcoran (2022). IdentifyingWildlife Observations on Twitter. Ecological Informatics 67.

Padraig Corcoran and Christopher B. Jones (2022). A Persistent Homology Model of Street Network Connectivity. Transactions in GIS.


Thomas Edwards, Christopher B. Jones, Sarah E. Perkins, Padraig Corcoran (2021) Passive citizen science: the role of social media in wildlife observations PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255416.

Mark M. Hall and Christopher B. Jones (2021). Generating geographical location descriptions with spatial templates: a salient toponym driven approach, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36(1), DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2021.1913498


Shelan S. Jeawak, Christopher.B. Jones, Steven Schockaert (2020). “Predicting the environment from social media: A collective classification approach”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 82, 101487, ISSN 0198-9715,

Shelan S. Jeawak, Christopher.B. Jones, Steven Schockaert (2020). “Predicting environmental features by learning spatiotemporal embeddings from social media”. Ecological Informatics 55. 101031, ISSN 1574-9541,


Mansi Radke, Prarthana Das, Kristin Stock, Christopher B. Jones (2019). “Detecting the Geospatialness of Prepositions from Natural Language Text”. 14th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2019), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) vol 142, 11:1--11:8.

C. Pezzica, J. Schroeter, O. E. Prizeman, C. B. Jones, P. L. Rosin (2019). ‘Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning’. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume IV-2/W6, 2019 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain.

Stock, K, C.B. Jones, T. Tenbrink (2019). “Speaking of Location: Communicating about Space with Geospatial Natural Language”. In Proceedings Speaking of Location 2019: Communicating about Space, Regensburg, Germany, September-2019. Editors: K. Stock, C.B. Jones and T. Tenbrink (eds.); Published at

Aflaki, Niloofar, Christopher B. Jones; Kristin Stock (2019). Mining the Semantic Similarity of Spatial Relations from Text. GeoComputation 2019. Queenstown, New Zealand. The University of Auckland.

Edwards, Thomas, Christopher B. Jones, Padraig Corcoran (2019). EdwardsJonesCorcoran-GeoComp19_ExtractingTrajectoriesTopologicalDataAnalysis Geocomputation 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand. The University of Auckland.

Jeawak, S. C.B. Jones and S. Schockaert (2019). "Embedding geographic locations for modelling the natural environment using Flickr tags and structured data", Proceedings of the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019), pp 51-66.


Twaroch, F.A., P. Brindley, P.D. Clough, C.B. Jones, R.C. Pasley and S. Mansbridge, (2018), "Investigating Behavioural and Computational Approaches for Defining Imprecise Regions", Spatial Cognition and Computation.

Jeawak,S., C.B. Jones and S. Schockaert (2018) "Mapping wildlife species distribution with social media: Augmenting text classification with species names". GIScience 2018. Liebniz International Proceedings in Informatics.

Corcoran, P. and C.B. Jones (2018) "Robust tracking of objects with dynamic topology" Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, USA.

Corcoran, P. and C.B. Jones (2018) "Stability and Statistical Inferences in the Space of Topological Spatial Relationships". IEEE Access 6.

Prizeman, O.E.C, C.B. Jones, M. Parisi, and C. Pezzica (2018). "How can century-old architectural hierarchies of access to and provision of public libraries be re-interpreted and re-used?". Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development

Purves RS, P.D. Clough, C.B. Jones, M.H. Hall and V. Murdock (2018) "Geographic Information Retrieval: Progress and Challenges in Spatial Search of Text". Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 12 (2-3), 164-318.


P. Corcoran and C.B. Jones (2017) "Modelling Topological Features of Swarm Behaviour in Space and Time with Persistence Landscapes". IEEE Access Volume 5.

S. Jeawak, C.B. Jones and S. Schockaert (2017) "Using Flickr for characterizing the environment: an exploratory analysis". Conference on Spatial Information Theory 2017. LIPIcs-Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 2017.

Slade, J., C.B. Jones and P.L. Rosin (2017) ”Automatic Semantic and Geometric Enrichment of CityGML Building Models using HoG-based Template Matching” Proc. 3DGeoInfo, in A. Abdul-Rahman (ed) Advances in 3D Geoinformation, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNGC), Springer, pp. 357-372.


Corcoran P, and C.B. Jones (2016) "Spatio-Temporal Modeling of the Topology of Swarm Behavior with Persistence Landscapes". ACM-SIGSPATIAL 2016, San Francisco, USA, ACM-Digital Library.


Hall, M.M., C.B. Jones, and P.D. Smart (2015) “Spatial Natural Language Generation for Location Description in Photo Captions”. Conference on Spatial Information Theory COSIT 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 9368, pp 196-223.

Spasic, I., B. Zhao, C.B. Jones and K. Button (2015) “KneeTex: An ontology-driven system for information extraction from MRI reports”, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Vol. 6, 34

Slade, J., C.B. Jones and P.L. Rosin (2015) ”Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo -spatial building models with photo captions and illustration labels using template matching & SIFT” GIS Research UK Conf., 2015


Tanasescu, V., P.D. Smart, C.B. Jones (2014) "Reverse Geocoding for Photo Captioning with a Meta-Gazetteer" Proceedings ACM-SIGSPATIAL 2014, Dallas, Texas, USA.

Jones, C.B., R.S. Purves (2014) "GIR'13 workshop report: 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval Orlando, Florida, USA, 5th November 2013". SIGSPATIAL Special 6(1): 14 (2014)

Jones, C.B., Rosin, P.L. and J.D. Slade (2014) “Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations” Workshop on Vision and Language, pages 62-67. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2014, Dublin, Ireland.

Van Laere, O., Schockaert, S., Tanasescu, V., Dhoedt, B. and Jones, C. B. (2014). "Georeferencing Wikipedia Documents Using Data from Social Media Sources". ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 32(3): 12:1-12:32.


Cooper, C., S. Orford, C.J. Webster, C.B. Jones (2013) "Exploring the ripple effect and spatial volatility in house prices in England and Wales: regressing interaction domain cross-correlations against reactive statistics" . Environment and Planning B; Planning and Design 40(5) 763-782.

G. B. Colombo, M. J. Chorley, V. Tanasescu, S. M. Allen, C. B. Jones, and R. M. Whitaker (2013), “Will You Like this Place? A Tag-Based Place Representation Approach” , in International Workshop on the Impact of Human Mobility in Pervasive Systems and Applications (PerMoby), San Diego, California, USA.

V. Tanasescu, C. B. Jones, G. B. Colombo, M. J. Chorley, S. M. Allen, and R. M. Whitaker (2013). "The Personality of Venues: Places and the Five-Factors (‘Big Five’) Model of Personality" , in 2013 International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications (COM.Geo).

V. Tanasescu, C. B. Jones, G. B. Colombo, M. J. Chorley, S. M. Allen, and R. M. Whitaker (2013), “Place and Personality,” in 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science.


E. M.G. Younis, C.B. Jones, V. Tanasescu, A.I. Abdelmoty (2012) ”Hybrid Geo-Query Methods on the Semantic Web with a Spatially Enhanced Index of Dbpedia”, GIScience, 2012, Columbus, Ohio, LNCS 7478, 340-353.

M. M. Hall and C. B. Jones (2012), “Cultural and Language Influences on the Interpretation of Spatial Prepositions,” in Proceedings of the GI_Forum 2012.

Alazzawi A., A.I. Abdelmoty and C.B. Jones (2012) “What can I do there? Towards the Automatic Discovery of Place-related Services and Activities” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(2), 345-364.


Hall, M.M., P.D. Smart and C.B. Jones (2011) "Interpreting spatial language in image captions". Cognitive Processing 12(1), pp 67-94.

Smart P.D., J.A.Quinn and C.B. Jones (2011). "City Model Enrichment". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (2) pp 223-234.

Purves R.S, C.B. Jones (2011) Geographic Information Retrieval. SIGSPATIAL Special 3(2): 2-4


Smart, P.D., C.B. Jones and F.A. Twaroch (2010): 'Multi-Source Toponym Data Integration and Mediation for a Meta-Gazetteer Service', In Proceedings of GIScience 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 6292, pp 234-248 [PDF]

Alazzawi, A. N,. A.I. Abdelmoty, C. B. Jones (2010) "An Ontology of Place and Service Types to Facilitate Place-Affordance Geographic Information Retrieval'.In Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, ACM Digital Library. [PDF]

Twaroch, F. and Jones, C. B. (2010): 'A Web Platform for the Evaluation of Vernacular Place Names in Automatically Constructed Gazetteers', In Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, ACM Digital Library.

Ahmed N. Alazzawi, Alia I. Abdelmoty, and Christopher B. Jones (2010). Toward a Common Model and a Markup Language for Personal Gazetteers. ACM HotPlanet 2010 The 2nd ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement, held in cooperation with ACM MobiSys, San Francisco, CA, USA.


Hall, M. M., and C. B. Jones, "Initialising and Terminating Active Contours for Vague Field Crisping", GISRUK 2009, pp. 395-397.

Quinn J., P.D. Smart, C.B. Jones (2009) "3D city registration and enrichment". Proceedings of ISPRS COST Workshop on quality, scale and analysis aspects of city models, Lund, Sweden. Lund, Sweden

Abdelmoty A.I., P.D. Smart, B.A. El-Geresy and C.B. Jones (2009): "Supporting frameworks for the geospatial semantic web", Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, Lecture Notes In Computer Science Vol. 5644, Springer, pp 355-372. [PDF]

Twaroch F.A., Jones, C.B. and Abdelmoty, A.I. (2009): 'Acquisition of Vernacular Place Footprints from Web Sources' in Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Irwin King (Eds.): "Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 195-214 [PDF]

Hall, M. M., A. N. Alazzawi, A. I. Abdelmoty, and C. B. Jones (2009) "Improving the Quality of GPS-based Personal Gazetteers", GI_Forum 2009: Herbert Wichman Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 53-55.

Twaroch, F., Purves, R. and Jones, C. (2009): 'Stability of Qualitative Spatial Relations between Vernacular Regions Mined from Web Data', In Proceedings of Workshop on Geographic Information on the Internet, Toulouse, France.

Jones, C. B., Abdelmoty, A. I., Smart, P. D., Hall, M. M., Quinn, J., and Twaroch, F. A. (2009). Automated Image Captioning: The TRIPOD project. In Proceedings of Workshop on Geographic Information on the Internet, Toulouse, France, pp. 85-86. [PDF]


Jones C. B., R. S. Purves; P. D. Clough; H. Joho (2008) "Modelling vague places with knowledge from the Web". International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22(10), pp. 1045-1065.

Jones C. B. and R. S. Purves (2008) "Geographical information retrieval" (editorial article) International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 22(3), 219-228.

Hall, M.M., C.B. Jones (2008),'Quantifying Spatial Prepositions: an Experimental Study', Proceedings 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008), Irvine, CA, USA pp. 451-454. [PDF]

Hall, M.M., C.B. Jones (2008), 'Evaluating Field Crisping Methods for Representing Spatial Prepositions', Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2008, Napa, California, USA, ACM Press, pp. 9-10. [PDF]

Twaroch F.A., Smart, P.D., and Jones, C.B. (2008): 'Mining the Web to Detect Place Names'. Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, GIR 2008, Napa, California, USA, ACM Press, pp. 43-44.

Hall, M.M., C.B.Jones (2008), 'A Field Based Representation for Vague Areas Defined by Spatial Prepositions', Proceedings of Methodologies and Resources for Processing Spatial Language, Workshop at LREC'2008.

Twaroch F.A., Jones, C.B. and Abdelmoty, A.I. (2008): 'Acquisition of a Vernacular Gazetteer from Web Sources'. Workshop on Location on the Web 2008, Locweb 2008, Beijing, China, pp. 61-64.

Schockaert, S., P. D. Smart, A. I. Abdelmoty, C. B. Jones (2008) 'Mining Topological Relations from the Web'. Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (FlexDBIST), p. 652-656.


Purves, R.S., P. Clough, C.B.Jones et al, 2007,
"The design and implementation of SPIRIT : a spatially-aware search engine for information retrieval on the internet". International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(7), 717-745.

Smart P.D., A.I. Abdelmoty, B.A. El-Geresy, Christopher B. Jones (2007), "A Framework for Combining Rules and Geo-ontologies". In M. Marchiori, J. Z. Pan, C. de Sainte Marie (Eds.): Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, RR 2007, Innsbruck , Austria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4524, pp.: 133-147. [PDF]

Alazzawi A.N., A.I. Abdelmoty and C.B. Jones, (2007) Spatio-temporal Personalised Web Search. Proc. GIS Research UK 15th Annual Conference (GISRUK-2007), Maynooth, Ireland, pp. 457-459.


Leblanc, M. J., Leduc, C., Stagnitti, F., van Oevelen, P. J., Jones, C.B., Mofor, L. A., Razack, M., Favreau, G., 2006. Evidence for Megalake Chad, north-central Africa, during the late Quaternary from satellite data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 230 (3-4), 230-242.

Jones C.B. and R. Purves (2006)
"GIR'05 2005 ACM workshop on geographical information retrieval". SIGIR Forum 40(1): 34-37.

Arampatzis A, M. van Kreveld M., I. Reinbacher , C. B. Jones, S. Vaid, P. Clough, H. Joho, and M. Sanderson (2006) "Web-Based Delineation of Imprecise Regions", Computers Environment and Urban Systems. 30 (4), 436-459.
Smart, P., Abdelmoty, A.I. and Jones, C.B. (2006). Visual Editor for Validating Geo-Ontologies"in OWL", Proc. GIS"Research UK Conference (GISRUK-2006). Nottingham, UK, pp. 222-226.


Jones, C.B. and J.M. Ware (2005), Map generalization in the web age (Guest editorial for Special Issue on Map Generalization), International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(8-9), 859-870.

Abdelmoty A.I., P. D. Smart, C. B. Jones, Gaihua Fu and D. Finch (2005), A Critical Evaluation of Ontology Languages for Geographical Information Retrieval, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 16(4), 331-358 2005.
Fu, G., C.B. Jones, and A.I. Abdelmoty (2005). 'Ontology-Based Spatial Query Expansion in Information Retrieval'. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: ODBASE 2005. Agia Napa, Cyprus:Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3761, Springer, 1466-1482 [PDF]

Fu G., Christopher B. Jones, Alia I. Abdelmoty (2005) 'Building a Geographical Ontology for Intelligent Spatial Search on the Web'. Databases and Applications 2005: 167-172. [PDF]

Vaid S., Christopher B. Jones, Hideo Joho, Mark Sanderson (2005) Spatio-textual Indexing for Geographical Search on the Web. 9th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases SSTD 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3633, 218-235. [PDF]


Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2004) "HCPO: an efficient insertion order for incremental Delaunay triangulation". Information Processing Letters vol.93, No.1, pp37-42.

Morris A.J., A.I. Abdelmoty, B.A. El-Geresy and C.B. Jones (2004) Filter Flow Visual Querying Language and Interface for Spatial Databases. GeoInformatica, 8(2), pp. 107-141.

Jones C.B., A.I. Abdelmoty, D. Finch, G. Fu and S. Vaid (2004). The SPIRIT Spatial Search Engine:Architecture, Ontologies and Spatial Indexing. Third International Conference on Geographic Information Science GIScience 2004, Maryland, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [PDF]

Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2004) Shape-Aware Line Generalisation With Weighted Effective Area. In Fisher, Peter F. (Ed.) Developments in Spatial Data Handling 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Springer, pp 369-380. [PDF]

P.D. Smart, A. I. Abdelmoty and C.B. Jones (2004). "An Evaluation of Geo-Ontology Representation Languages for Supporting Web Retrieval of Geographic Information". GIS RESEARCH UK (GISRUK), Proc. Of the GIS Research UK 12th Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, UK, pp. 175-178. [PDF]


Ware J.M., C. B. Jones and N. Thomas (2003) "Automated Cartographic Map Generalization With Multiple Operators: A Simulated Annealing Approach". International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17(8), 743-769

Jones C.B., A.I. Abdelmoty and G. Fu (2003) "Maintaining ontologies for geographical information retrieval on the web", in Meersman, R.; Tari, Z.; Schmidt, D. C. (Eds.) On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics, ODBASE"03, Catania, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2888, 934-951. [PDF]

Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2003) "A multirepresentation spatial data model". In Hadzilacos et al (eds) Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, Proceedings of International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases SSTD 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2750, 394-411. [PDF]

Jones, C.B, H. Alani, and D. Tudhope, (2003). "Geographical terminology servers - closing the semantic divide", in M.F. Goodchild, M. Duckham and M.F. Worboys (eds) Foundations of Geographic Information Science, Taylor and Francis, pp 201-218. [PDF]


van der Poorten P.M. and C.B. Jones (2002). "Characterisation and generalisation of cartographic lines using Delaunay triangulation". International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16(8), 773-794.

El-Geresy B.A., A.I. Abdelmoty, C.B. Jones (2002). "Spatio-Temporal Geographic Information Systems: A Causal Perspective". ADBIS 2002 Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 6th East European Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2435, Springer, 191-203. [PDF]

Li M., S. Zhou, C.B. Jones (2002). "Multi-agent Systems for Web-Based Map Information Retrieval". GIScience 2002: Geographic Information Science, Second International Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2478, Springer, 161-180. [PDF]

van der Poorten P.M., S. Zhou, C.B. Jones (2002). "Topologically-Consistent Map Generalisation Procedures and Multi-scale Spatial Databases". GIScience 2002: Geographic Information Science, Second International Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2478, Springer, 209-227. [PDF]

Jones C.B., R. Purves, A. Ruas, M. Sanderson, M. Sester, M.J. van Kreveld, R. Weibel (2002). "Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project". SIGIR 2002: Proceedings of the 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Tampere, Finland, 387-388. [PDF]

Morris A.J., A. I. Abdelmoty, B.A. El-Geresy, C.B. Jones (2002). "A Data-Flow Approach to Visual Querying in Large Spatial Databases". VISUAL 2002: Recent Advances in Visual Information Systems, 5th International Conference, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2314, Springer, 175-186. [PDF]

Ware J.M., I.D. Wilson, J.A. Ware, C.B. Jones. (2002) "A tabu search approach to automated map generalisation". Proceedings 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems ACM GIS2002, 2002, ACM Press, 101 - 106.


Alani H., C.B. Jones and D.S. Tudhope (2001) 'Voronoi-based region approximation for geographical information retrieval with gazetteers'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(4), 287-306.

Herbert M.J. and C.B. Jones (2001) 'Contour correspondence for serial section reconstruction: complex scenarios in palaeontology'. Computers and Geosciences, 27, 427-220.

Lonergan M.E. and C.B. Jones (2001) 'An iterative displacement method for conflict resolution in map generalisation', Algorithmica, 30, 287-301.

Kidner, D.B., Sparkes, A.J., Dorey, M.I., Ware, J.M. and Jones, C.B. (2001) 'Visibility Analysis with the Multiscale Implicit TIN', Transactions in GIS, 5(1), 19-37.

Jones C.B., H. Alani and D. Tudhope (2001) "Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place". D. Montello (ed), Spatial Information Theory Foundations of Geographic Information Science, COSIT 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2205, 323-335. [PDF]

Zhou S. and C.B. Jones (2001) "Design and implementation of multi-scale databases". C.S. Jensen, M.Schneider, B. Seeger and V. Tsotras (eds), Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 7th International Symposium, SSTD 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2121, Springer, 365-384. [PDF]


ElGeresy B.A., A.I. Abdelmoty and C.B. Jones (2000) 'Episodes in space: qualitative representation and reasoning over spatio-temporal objects'. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 9(1), 131-152.

Kidner, D.B., Ware, J.M., Sparkes, A.J. and Jones, C.B. (2000) ,'Multiscale terrain and Topographic Modelling with the Implicit TIN', Transactions in GIS, 4(4), 361-378.

Jones C.B, A.I. Abdelmoty, M.E. Lonergan, P. van der Poorten and S. Zhou (2000) "Multi-scale spatial database design for online generalisation". 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Beijing, International Geographical Union, 7b.34-44. [PDF]

Jones C.B, J.M. Ware and D.R. Miller (2000) 'Bayesian Probabilistic Methods for Change Detection with Area-Class Maps', Proceedings Accuracy2000, Amsterdam,Delft University Press, 329-336.

Alani H., C.B. Jones and D.S. Tudhope (2000) 'Associative and Spatial Relationships in Thesaurus-based Retrieval', Proceedings European Conference on Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 45-58.


Jones C.B., J.M. Ware and C.D. Eynon (1999) 'Triangulated spatial models and neighbourhood search: an experimental comparison with quadtrees', The Visual Computer vol.15(5), pp235-248.
Baher El-Geresy and Chris Jones (1999), Spatio-Temporal Models and Queries in GIS, Accepted for publication as a book chapter in Innovations in GIS'99, Taylor and Francis.

Jones C.B. and J.M. Ware (1999) 'A Probabilistic Approach to Environmental Change Detection with Area-Class Map Data', Integrated Spatial Databases: Digital Images and GIS, ISD'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1737, Springer Verlag, pp 122-136; ISSN 0302-9743. [PDF]
M. Dorey, A. Sparkes, D. Kidner, C. Jones and M. Ware (1999) "Terrain Modelling Enhancement for Intervisibility Analysis", in Chapter 14 of Innovations in GIS 6, (Editor: B. Gittings), London: Taylor & Francis, 1999, pp.169-184.


Weibel R. and C.B. Jones (1998) 'Computational perspectives on map generalization' guest editorial for special issue on Map Generalization, GeoInformatica 2(4), 307-314.

Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1998) 'Conflict Reduction in Map Generalisation Using Iterative Improvement' GeoInformatica 2(4), 383-407.

Jones C.B. and J.M. Ware (1998) 'Proximity search with a triangulated spatial model'. The Computer Journal 41(2), pp 71-83.

Jones C.B. and J.M. Ware (1998) 'Nearest neighbour search for linear and polygonal objects with constrained triangulations'. Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Spatial data Handling, International Geographical Union, pp 13-21.

Jones A.G., C.B. Jones and D. Tudhope (1998) 'Intelligent interpretation of terminology for a public access GIS'. Proceedings GIS Research UK (GISRUK98), Edinburgh, pp 11.11-11.15.

Ware, J.M. and Jones, C.B. (1998), "Matching and Aligning Features in Overlayed Coverages", Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Advances in Geographical Information Systems (ACM-GIS'98), pp 28-33. [PDF]


Beynon-Davies P., L. Bonde, D. McPhee and C.B. Jones (1997) 'A collaborative schema integration system'. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 6, pp 1-18.

Jones C.B. (1997) 'Geographical Information Access in Museums'. Guest Editorial for Special Issue of MDA Information 2(3), pp 1-2.

Jones C.B. (1997) 'GIS and Museums', in Geographical Information Access in Museums, MDA Information 2(3), pp 21-26.


Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1997) 'A multiscale data storage scheme for 3D GIS' in Z.Kemp (ed) Innovations in GIS 4, Taylor and Francis, pp 9-24.

Abdelmoty A.I. and C.B. Jones (1997), "Towards Maintaining Consistency in Spatial Databases", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM'97, Las Vegas, USA, ACM Press, pp 293-300. [PDF]

Ware, J.M. and Jones C.B. (1997) "A Triangle-Based Surface Model For 3D-GIS", Proceedings 5th ACM Workshop on Advances in GIS, Las Vegas, ACM Press, pp 20-23.

Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1997) 'Error models for automated change detection'. Proceedings of GIS Research UK 1997 (GISRUK97), University of Leeds, pp 155-160.

Jones C.B, D.B. Kidner, L.Q. Luo, G.Ll. Bundy and J.M. Ware (1996) 'Database Design for a Multiscale Spatial Information System'. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 10(8), pp 901-920.


Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1996). 'A spatial model for detecting and resolving conflict caused by scale reduction'. Advances in GIS Research II, Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Delft, Taylor and Francis, pp 9A.15-26.

Jones C.B., C. Taylor, D. Tudhope, P. Beynon-Davies (1996). 'Conceptual, spatial and temporal referencing of multimedia objects'. Advances in GIS Research II, Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Delft, Taylor and Francis, pp 2.13-26.


Jones C B., G Ll. Bundy and J. M. Ware (1995). 'Map Generalisation with a Triangulated Data Structure'. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22(4), pp 317-331.

Herbert M.J., C.B. Jones, D.S. Tudhope (1995) 'Surface section reconstruction of geoscientific data',, The Visual Computer, 11(7), pp 343-359.

Tudhope, D., P. Beynon-Davies, C. Taylor and C. B. Jones (1995). 'Virtual architecture based on a binary relational model: a museum hypermedia application'. Hypermedia 6(3), pp 174-192.

Ware J.M., C.B. Jones and G.L.Bundy (1995) 'A triangulated spatial model for cartographic generalisation of areal objects', in A.U. Frank and W. Kuhn (eds) Spatial Information Theory A Theoretical Basis for GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988, Springer-Verlag, pp. 173-192.

Bundy, G. L., C. B. Jones and E. Furse (1995). 'Holistic Generalization of Large Scale Cartographic Data'. In GIS and Generalisation Methodology and Practice, edited by J-C Muller, J-P Lagrange and R. Weibel. Taylor and Francis. 106-119.

Bundy G.Ll, C.B. Jones and E.Furse (1995) 'A topological structure for the holistic generalization of large-scale cartographic data', in P.F. Fisher (editor) Innovations in GIS 2, Taylor and Francis, 19-31.

Luo L.Q. and C.B. Jones (1995)'A deductive database model for GIS', in P.F. Fisher (editor) Innovations in GIS 2, Taylor and Francis, pp 33-42.


Jones C.B., D.B. Kidner and J.M. Ware (1994) 'The Implicit TIN and multiscale spatial dabases', The Computer Journal 37(1), pp 43-57.

Beynon-Davies P., D. Tudhope, C. Taylor and C.B. Jones (1994) 'A semantic database approach to intelligent hypermedia systems', Information and Software Technology, 36(6), pp 323-329.

Jones C.B. and L.Q. Luo (1994) 'Hierarchies and objects in a deductive database'. Advances in GIS Research I, Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Edinburgh,Taylor and Francis, pp 588-603.

Kidner D.B. and C.B. Jones (1994) 'A deductive object-oriented GIS for handling multiple representations'. Advances in GIS Research I, Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Edinburgh,Taylor and Francis, pp 882-900.


Jones C.B (1993) 'Placenames, cartographic generalisation and deductive databases', in Working Papers for NCGIA Specialist Meeting for Initiative 8 - Formalizing Cartographic Knowledge, SUNY-Buffalo, USA, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis.12 pages.


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