Funding sources for Map Generalisation Research:
EPSRC grant
"Multiscale spatial databases and map generalisation" and "Multi-agent Systems for Active Maps"
ESRI research grant on Map Generalisation
Summary of Research in Map Generalisation
The widespread use of digital map data has led to an increasing need for automating the design tasks traditionally carried out manually by cartographers. Two major aspects of design are map generalisation and text placement. Map generalisation is concerned with deriving small scale, less detailed, maps from larger scale maps. It entails processes of selection, simplification, amalgamation, symbolisation and displacement of map features. Triangulated data structures have proven to be an effective means of supporting map generalisation procedures. They assist in automatic determination of the spatial relationships between map features and the detection and resolution of conflicts that arise due to overlap between map features that are not symbolised at true scale. A major focus of research has been the development of efficient strategies for conflict resolution, employing optimisation methods such as simulated annealing and multi-agent based approaches [Ware et al 2003; Li et al, 2002, Lonergan and Jones, 2001]. Significant research has also been conducted on the use of skeleton-based representations for identifying features for purposes of shape simplification [van der Poorten and Jones, 2002].
Text placement relates to the problem of placing names on a map in a manner that ensures that they are legible, and hence do not obscure other names and features, and that they are clearly associated with the feature that they annotate. Previous research at the University of Glamorgan led to the development of an advanced system (Maplex) for automated name placement which is now owned and marketed commercially by ESRI.
Papers on map generalisation
Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2004) "Shape-Aware Line Generalisation With Weighted Effective Area". In Fisher, Peter F. (Ed.) Developments in Spatial Data Handling 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Springer, pp 369-380.
Ware J.M., C. B. Jones and N. Thomas (2003) "Automated Cartographic Map Generalization With Multiple Operators: A Simulated Annealing Approach". International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17(8), 743-769
van der Poorten P.M. and C.B. Jones (2002). "Characterisation and generalisation of cartographic lines using Delaunay triangulation". International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16(8), 773-794.
Lonergan M.E. and C.B. Jones (2001) 'An iterative displacement method for conflict resolution in map generalisation', Algorithmica, 30, 287-301.
Lonergan M.E., C. B. Jones and J. M. Ware (1999) 'Optimal Map Generalization: saving time with appropriate measures of imperfection'. Proceedings 19th International Cartographic Association Conference, CD-ROM, Canadian Institute of Geomatics, Ontario.
Van der Poorten P. and C.B. Jones (1999) 'Customisable Line Generalisation using Delaunay Triangulation'. Proceedings 19th International Cartographic Association Conference, CD-ROM, Canadian Institute of Geomatics, Ontario.
Jones C.B., J.M. Ware and C.D. Eynon (1999) 'Triangulated spatial models and neighbourhood search: an experimental comparison with quadtrees', The Visual Computer vol.15(5), pp235-248.
Weibel R. and C.B. Jones (1998) 'Computational perspectives on map generalization' guest editorial for special issue on Map Generalization, GeoInformatica 2(4), 307-314.
Jones C.B. and J.M. Ware (1998) 'Proximity search with a triangulated spatial model'. The Computer Journal 41(2), pp 71-83.
Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1998) 'Conflict Reduction in Map Generalisation Using Iterative Improvement' GeoInformatica 2(4), 383-407.
Ware J.M. and C.B. Jones (1996). 'A spatial model for detecting and resolving conflict caused by scale reduction'. Advances in GIS Research II, Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Delft, Taylor and Francis, pp 9A.15-26.
Ware J.M., C.B. Jones and G.L.Bundy (1995) 'A triangulated spatial model for cartographic generalisation of areal objects', in A.U. Frank and W. Kuhn (eds) Spatial Information Theory A Theoretical Basis for GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988, Springer-Verlag, pp. 173-192.
Jones C B., G Ll. Bundy and J. M. Ware (1995). 'Map Generalisation with a Triangulated Data Structure'. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22(4), pp 317-331
Bundy, G. L., C. B. Jones and E. Furse (1995). 'Holistic Generalization of Large Scale Cartographic Data'. In GIS and Generalisation Methodology and Practice, edited by J-C Muller, J-P Lagrange and R. Weibel. Taylor and Francis. 106-119.
Bundy G.Ll, C.B. Jones and E.Furse (1995) 'A topological structure for the holistic generalization of large-scale cartographic data', in P.F. Fisher (editor) Innovations in GIS 2, Taylor and Francis, 19-31
Jones, C.B. (1991), 'Computer cartography at the Polytechnic of Wales', Cartographic
Journal, Vol 28, pp 83-86.
Jones, C.B. (1990), 'Conflict resolution in cartographic name placement' , Computer Aided Design, 22(3), pp 173-183.
Cook, A.C. and C.B. Jones (1990), 'A PROLOG rule-based system for cartographic name placement', Computer Graphics Forum, 9, pp 109-126.
Jones, C.B. (1989), 'Cartographic name placement with Prolog', IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 9(5), pp 36-47.