Summary of Research
Large spatial databases are characterised by two main features: the large set of
spatial objects of different shapes to be stored, and the inordinate number of spatial
relationships (of different types) between those objects. These features impose a
substantial burden on storage overheads and system performance which necessitates an
efficient mechanism to represent such relations in spatial queries. One of the aims of
this research is to design and implement a system for the representation of and reasoning
over different types of spatial
relationships between objects of arbitrary complexity. Work is also being initiated on the
modelling of change in spatio-temporal databases. Previous research has led to the
development of experimental deductive and object-oriented databases and such technology is
expected to provide a framework for the implementation of automated reasoning in space and
Publications on Spatio-Temporal Databases
Baher El-Geresy and C.B. Jones (2000),
Spatio-Temporal Models and Queries in GIS, in Atkinson P. and Martin D. (eds)
Innovations in GIS 7, Taylor and Francis, pp 27-39.