Chris Jones: Multi-Agent Systems for Active Maps

Funding Source: EPSRC grant "Multi-Agent Systems for Active Maps (2000-2003)"

Summary of Research

Many types of information are geographically referenced and it is now commonplace to store geographical information in digital form. Maps have traditionally been and remain a natural form of communication with such information. While geographical information systems normally provide interactive mapping facilities, the style of interaction is typically aimed at professional and specialist users. This project makes progress towards the creation of more accessible and more intelligent geographical interfaces referred to as active maps. The intention is that active maps may be used on the web to help in retrieving geographically specific information that might be obtained for example from digital libraries or web search engines.

Agent-based computing methods are used here in combination with knowledge representations, in the form of geographical ontologies, to develop map-based interfaces that recognise geographical terminology and adapt in content to reflect the user's interests. Individual map features are associated with agents that have access to knowledge of the geographical concepts that they represent. In addition to employing agents in user dialogue, multi-agent techniques have been developed to assist in modifying the graphic content of a map to ensure that it is legible. In association with these techniques, progress has been made in developing a multi-representation database to provide fast access to different versions of map features with a style and level of detail that is appropriate to the needs of the user.


Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2004) "Shape-Aware Line Generalisation With Weighted Effective Area". In Fisher, Peter F. (Ed.) Developments in Spatial Data Handling 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Springer, pp 369-380.

Zhou S and C.B. Jones (2003) "A multirepresentation spatial data model". In Hadzilacos et al (eds) Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, Proceedings of International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases SSTD 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2750, 394-411. [PDF]

Li M., S. Zhou, C.B. Jones (2002). "Multi-agent Systems for Web-Based Map Information Retrieval". GIScience 2002: Geographic Information Science, Second International Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2478, Springer, 161-180. [PDF]

van der Poorten P.M., S. Zhou, C.B. Jones (2002). "Topologically-Consistent Map Generalisation Procedures and Multi-scale Spatial Databases". GIScience 2002: Geographic Information Science, Second International Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2478, Springer, 209-227. [PDF]