As a universal intellectual tool for human calculation and thinking, electronic computer has made unprecedented development of human intelligence. Humans created computers, which in turn helped develop the human brain. The combination of computer and basic education has become a major trend in the world today. Therefore, computer teaching is particularly important. We should master the essence of computer thinking under the guidance of teachers and the study of courses, that is, how to use computer programming to solve problems in the face of various data.

To sum up, computational thinking is to use the basic concepts of computer science to solve problems, design systems and understand human behavior. It includes a series of thinking activities covering the breadth of computer science. When we have to solve a specific problem, we will first ask: How difficult is it to solve this problem? What is the best solution? Computer science accurately answers these questions according to a solid theoretical foundation. The difficulty of expressing the problem is the basic ability of the tool, and the factors that must be considered include the instruction system, resource constraints and running environment of the machine. In order to solve a problem effectively, we may further ask whether an approximate solution is enough and whether randomization can be used. Computational thinking reinterprets a seemingly difficult problem into a problem that we know how to solve by means of reduction, embedding, transformation and simulation. Through the study of computer thinking, we can finally use computers to solve practical problems, which is also the most important function of computers for human beings.

Finally, I summed up the main points of computational thinking: 1;computational thinking is the way of thinking of people, not the way of thinking of computers. Computational thinking is a way for human beings to solve problems, but it is absolutely necessary to make human beings think like computers. Computers are boring and boring, and human beings are intelligent and imaginative. It is human beings who give computers passion. Equipped with computing equipment, we can use our wisdom to solve problems that we didn't dare to try before the computing age. 2;Computational thinking is the complementarity and integration of mathematics and engineering thinking. Computer science originates from mathematical thinking in essence, because, like all sciences, its formal foundation is built on mathematics. Computer science is essentially derived from engineering thinking, because we build a system that can interact with the real world, and the limitation of basic computing equipment forces computer scientists to think computationally, not just mathematically. The freedom to build a virtual world enables us to design various systems beyond the physical world. 3;Computational thinking is an idea, not an artifact or just the software and hardware we produce. Artifacts will be presented everywhere in physical form and touch our lives all the time. More importantly, there will be computational concepts that we use to approach and solve problems, manage daily life and communicate and interact with others. Moreover, for all people, everywhere. Computational thinking will become a reality when it is truly integrated into the whole of human activities so that it is no longer an explicit philosophy.