
In this class, I learned what is front-end? We learned and used a series of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, etc., and we were able to implement animation effects. The HTML course allowed us to learn the document structure and basic syntax of it, to understand the features of HTML, the basic syntax of CSS and the layout! (Wing 2006) studied that whether computing operations are carried out by a human or a machine, computational thinking builds on the strengths and weaknesses of such operations. We have the confidence to solve issues and develop systems that none of us could do on our own thanks to computational methods and models. Therefore, using the fundamental ideas of computer science, computational thinking is a set of thought exercises that span the range of computer science, including problem solving, system design, and understanding human behaviour. This broad idea makes it clear that, despite being based on computer science, computational thinking is not just applicable to computer conversion. Rather, it can be said that computational thinking is a concept that is applied to other fields of thought, and when problems arise, they are resolved using this method of problem-solving.

In computational thinking, we learn computational thinking such as how to use binary to operate; binary is crucial to our later learning; because the later learning of JavaScript and Python! are the basis of everything! In order to maximize the benefits of various programming languages in the web building process, JavaScript and Python, which are computational ways of programming and the foundation of a website, can be combined.

To increase development productivity, JavaScript and Python can be coupled naturally without the requirement for databases or the need of complex interface structures. (Li et al. 2020) reflected that While computer science can include programming and coding, CT should not be restricted to this discipline because it permeates many other professions and aspects of daily life. For instance, to help forecast recurring tendencies in the coronavirus outbreak, computational models are employed to summarise and analyse data (as code in CT). Therefore, if you do not have a working knowledge of HTML and CSS, it is crucial that you master these languages. To increase your knowledge of a subject, read carefully, reflect, ask yourself why some things are the way they are, and learn more about it. Computer networks considerably lower the amount of resources needed for studying, residing, and working. We are a new generation of individuals who are high-tech, but we also need teachers who are proficient in computers because our culture is evolving rapidly and high-tech.
