Guide to Computational Thinking

Reflection on Computational Thinking

In this module, I learned about Computational Thinking and its importance in both my studies and everyday life. Computational Thinking is a problem-solving approach that goes beyond computer science; it can be used by anyone. I also got introduced to programming basics like HTML and CSS.

This is important to me because I had no prior experience with computer science. When I first started coding, it was challenging. However, learning Computational Thinking changed my approach. I now break problems into smaller parts and solve them step by step. For example, a video I watched asked, "How do you make a cup of tea?" It seemed easy, but when viewed computationally, it involved four steps: finding a cup, boiling water, adding tea, and pouring the hot water. This way of thinking has helped me simplify problems and understand how computers work.

In my future courses, I'll learn different programming languages like JavaScript and Python. While these languages differ, logical problem analysis remains crucial. The course isn't just about coding; it includes writing essays and reports. My introduction to programming and HTML/CSS has given me a foundation for programming. Concepts like variables and conditions, along with what I've learned in this module, have made it easier to grasp these languages. I've also started exploring multiple solutions to problems, always looking for more efficient methods. Building a simple website with HTML and CSS made me realize that computers follow instructions step by step.

This module also changed my thinking. My background is in psychology, which focuses on analyzing human behavior. This involves logical reasoning centered around people. However, it's not always efficient for practical problem-solving. Computational Thinking offers a more efficient approach by breaking down complex issues into smaller parts, making problem-solving more efficient.

Computational Thinking has limitations when dealing with human-centered problems, but it's practical for personal, work-related, and life matters. It has improved my approach to computers, allowing me to simplify complex problems and create tailored solutions. This thinking has deepened my understanding of computer operations.

Moreover, Computational Thinking has improved my ability to learn continuously, solve complex problems from various angles, and ask new questions. It has enhanced my critical analysis, communication, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These skills are crucial for my future computing studies, allowing me to approach problems more carefully and efficiently organize tasks and resources.

In summary, Computational Thinking has become a valuable tool in my academic and personal life, helping me navigate the world of computer science and solve various challenges.