Next: Graph Searching
Up: Model Based Object Recognition
Previous: Some Matching Case Studies
- Have already seen some applications of relaxation labelling
- Relaxation labelling for model based matching is no different.
- Matching is posed as a labelling problem, where a model primitive
is labelled with (i.e. matched to) a scene primitive
- Region based
measurements of both a numerical and topological nature used.
- Each primitive is given a quality measurement,
normally a probability, for the likelihood of it labelling each model primitive.
- Starting from these initial measurements, the goal of the relaxation
technique is to reduce iteratively the ambiguity and disagreement of the initial
labels by employing a coherence measure for the set of matches.
- The compatibility of each primitive with its neighbourhood is used, and
iteratively increasing the size of the neighbourhood.
- Relaxation labelling
problems may be easily visualised as graph labelling problems.