Invited talks and tutorials:

Introduction to Formal Argumentation
Tutorial at SSA (Cardiff, 2022)
Discussion Gamed for Formal Argumentation
Tutorial at SSA (Cardiff, 2022)
An Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
Tutorial at IJCAI (Macau, 2019)
A Brief Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
Tutorial at EASSS (Barcelona, 2015)
A Brief Overview of Formal Argumentation
Invited talk at Jurisin (Yokohama, 2013)
Argumentation as Inference vs Argumentation as Dialogue
Invited talk at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Argumentation and Belief Revision (Schloß Dagstuhl, 2013)
Logical Definitions of Lying and Other Dishonest attitudes
Invited talk at The Logic and Culture of Lying symposium (Universität Regensburg, 2012)
Introduction to Formal Argumentation
Tutorial at IJCAI (Pasadena, 2009)
Introduction to Formal Argumentation
Tutorial at ESSLLI (Dublin, 2007)
Argumentation in Agent Systems
Tutorial (together with Henry Prakken) at EASSS (Durham, 2007)
Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Argumentation for Agent Systems
Tutorial (together with Henry Prakken) at EASSS (Annecy, 2006)