Invited talks and tutorials:
- Introduction to Formal Argumentation
- Tutorial at SSA (Cardiff, 2022)
- Discussion Gamed for Formal Argumentation
- Tutorial at SSA (Cardiff, 2022)
- An Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
- Tutorial at IJCAI (Macau, 2019)
- A Brief Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
- Tutorial at EASSS (Barcelona, 2015)
- A Brief Overview of Formal Argumentation
- Invited talk at Jurisin (Yokohama, 2013)
- Argumentation as Inference vs Argumentation as Dialogue
- Invited talk at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Argumentation and Belief
Revision (Schloß Dagstuhl, 2013)
- Logical Definitions of Lying and Other Dishonest attitudes
- Invited talk at The Logic and Culture of Lying symposium
(Universität Regensburg, 2012)
- Introduction to Formal Argumentation
- Tutorial at IJCAI (Pasadena, 2009)
- Introduction to Formal Argumentation
- Tutorial at ESSLLI (Dublin, 2007)
- Argumentation in Agent Systems
- Tutorial (together with Henry Prakken) at EASSS (Durham, 2007)
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Argumentation for Agent Systems
- Tutorial (together with Henry Prakken) at EASSS (Annecy, 2006)