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Publish Your Site

Enter your username and password to confirm that your public web pages may be published on the School's "users" web site.

Note that your email name will appear on the "users" home page at

User name:


Click the button to add your pages to the server.

By authorising the publication of your pages, you agree to abide by the applicable Rules and Regulations.

Rules and Regulations

Pages on the Users' Server are visible to the whole Internet and are subject to School Rules, University Regulations and legal restrictions regarding the propriety of their content. Publishing on the "users" server is a privilege granted to staff and students in the School of Computer Science and it is your duty to treat this privilege responsibly and ethically. The Rules and Regulations include:


You must not publish copyright material or material that is otherwise restricted.


You must not publish material which might bring yourself, the School of Computer Science or Cardiff University into disrepute.


You must not purport to be anyone other than who you are on your web pages.


Respect the privacy of others. Avoid material about private individuals unless you have their permission.


Think carefully before publishing material about real events. Try not to write anything that could be distressing to others.


Take complaints about material on your web pages seriously. Respond to complainants quickly and politely. Be prepared to remove material if you cannot achieve a resolution of the complaint.


You must not install pages or software which damage the security or integrity of the web server or University network. Keep security in mind when writing web pages and applications. Take care when installing third-party applications in your website.

Pages that are considered to be inappropriate by the Head of School or his designated web master will be removed without appeal.

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