Computing Thinking

The introduction of computational thinking

Computing thinking is a way to solve problem, design system and let computer and other equipment to understand human'ss behavior.

What is Computing thinking

Computational thinking is a skill that everyone should have in the 21st century. Like reading and writing. It didn't give us an idea of what the insides of a computer really are like, it got me thinking like a computer scientist when it comes to problem solving. It's a mindset. The most essential things in computational thinking are abstraction and automation, and they are distributed at different levels.

Some computer experts in China believe that computer thinking is the third type of thinking that human beings should have, and the other two are experimental thinking and theoretical thinking. Computational thinking focuses on the parts of human thinking about feasibility, constructability, and evaluability. In the current environment, in the face of large-scale data, theoretical and experimental methods inevitably need to be assisted by computational methods.

Applications of Computational Thinking

Do you feel anxious when you receive assignments from your teacher and have no idea where to start? Anxiety is rooted in too much distraction and uncertainty. You can make a list that each step is definite and can be done, like a computer program. When you do it in sequence, then you'll be productive and get rid of anxiety.

Computational thinking applies to disciplines outside of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, social sciences and language arts. Students can engage in activities that identify grammatical patterns and sentence structure, and use models that study relationships. Computational thinking has been introduced to all students in many countries. The UK has added computational thinking to its national syllabus since 2012. Singapore refers to computational thinking as a "national capability". Other countries such as Australia, China, South Korea and New Zealand have also made a big push to bring computational thinking into schools. In the United States, President Barack Obama created the program, Computer Science for All, to empower this generation of students in the United States with the appropriate computer science competencies needed for a thriving digital economy.

Computational thinking means thinking or solving problems like a computer scientist. Computational thinking is the thought process required to understand problems and develop solutions. Computational thinking involves logic, evaluation, patterns, automation and generalization. Career preparation can be integrated into learning and teaching environments in a number of ways.