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what i learned from this course

I did pick up a few things from the training, but I also had some reservations.

I discovered several fundamental ideas like TCP/IP, IPV4, and URL, which was great because it was helpful to understand new words. I also learned about mathematical operations and conversions between binary, octal, and hexadecimal, however. The four steps of computational thinking were one of the thing I found most fascinating which including :decomposing,abstraction,pattern recognition,algorithms. these four steps to establish the analysis of the functionality needed to implement a web page in the group work, and eventually, I applied the four to create similar web page .

The difficulties encountered and reflection

When writing about the school's web page, I still have some doubts. The presentation on the school website shows that the outcome is still very different. For instance, while use CSS layout, many functions cannot be applied and some of the gaps are not positioned as they should be. Our team had to complete a portion of the design using coordinate codes, which was extremely time-consuming and would take a day to change. Because the rest of your blocks will alter if you modify some of the coordinates, I think there are many methods I can use to achieve a goal, and I need to be aware of them to use many codes to address problems in my future studies. This is why learning the fundamentals of code is crucial. Of course, I am confident that once I have learned javascript, I will be able to improve web pages.

Computational thinking and other areas

Naturally, a "mental tool" like computational thinking may be used across various academic fields. For instance :Biologists have been increasingly relying on sophisticated computational methods, especially over the last two decades as molecular data have rapidly accumulated. Computational tools for searching large databases, including BLAST are now routinely used by experimentalists. Genome sequencing and assembly rely heavily on algorithms to speed up data accumulation and analysis(Navlakha and Bar‐Joseph 2011).


Computational thinking teaches us a way of thinking by taking a real problem and logically analysing it, applying the variables and rules of a mathematical model, and writing the logical analysis process as an algorithm through programming. Studying computational thinking as a fundamental subject helps us better understand the other disciplines of computer science. My knowledge of HTML and CSS has taught me how to construct web pages in this method. These techniques can be used as a model for learning basic programming and database skills. We also use flowcharts in this process because they are quite successful at making learning more rational and problem-solving more speedy.


Navlakha, S. and Bar‐Joseph, Z. 2011. “Algorithms in nature: The convergence of systems biology and computational thinking”. Molecular Systems Biology, 7(1),pp. 546. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2011.78.

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A Short Reflection