
In retrospect, the Computing Thinking course has been a transformative journey toward gaining proficiency in HTML, CSS, and other programming tools. It has not only equipped me with technical skills but has also broadened my understanding of the multifaceted realm of computational thinking. This reflection delves into my learning objectives, experiences, challenges encountered, self-development, the impact on my learning and future prospects, and suggestions for improvement.

Learning Objectives

The primary aim of the course was to acquire proficiency in web development tools, which included HTML and CSS, along with gaining a deeper comprehension of computational thinking. The course was successful in imparting these technical skills. However, the most remarkable aspect was the exposure to the broader spectrum of computational thinking, where I realized it encompassed problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, and logical reasoning, transcending the mere syntax of coding.

Learning Experience

Working on collaborative web development projects with my peers was a significant aspect of the learning process. The discussions and guidance provided by fellow students were invaluable. Through these projects, I not only honed my technical skills but also gained a deeper insight into the significance of teamwork and efficient communication in the world of computing.


Transitioning to this course from a different major presented a challenge due to my limited prior knowledge of programming and web development. However, this challenge proved to be a valuable opportunity for self-improvement. It pushed me to invest more time in self-study and hands-on practice to bridge the knowledge gap effectively.


The course ignited a strong desire for continuous self-improvement. I realized the importance of staying updated with the rapidly evolving field of technology. I started participating in coding competitions and attending coding workshops outside the classroom, which greatly enhanced my programming skills. The course also taught me the importance of seeking help and collaborating with peers, which has become a crucial part of my learning journey.

Impact on Learning and Future Prospects

The course has had a profound impact on my learning trajectory and future prospects. It has opened doors to a multitude of career possibilities within the tech industry. The understanding of computational thinking has allowed me to approach problem-solving in a more structured and systematic way. This is a skill set that transcends the boundaries of the course and is applicable to various domains

To further enhance the course, I would recommend more practical, real-world applications of computational thinking. Incorporating more industry-relevant projects and case studies would provide students with a clearer perspective on how these skills can be applied in their future careers. Additionally, more hands-on exercises and coding challenges could further reinforce the technical aspects of the course.

In conclusion, the Computing Thinking course has been a significant milestone in my educational journey. It not only equipped me with technical skills but also fostered a holistic understanding of computing thinking. The challenges I faced prompted self-improvement, and the course has left a lasting impact on my learning and future prospects. As I continue to explore the world of computing, I am confident that the knowledge and skills acquired in this course will be invaluable in shaping my future endeavors.