Module in Computational Thinking

short reflection on what I have learnt in this module

Computational thinking is a familiar aspect of our everyday life, but most people are unaware of it. I have always associated it with programming and until recently, I believed that it was useful mostly to those pursuing careers in computer science and technology. The module of computational thinking was an unique opportunity to understand the concept of thinking computationally, which demonstrated how many times we apply decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm to our daily lives without knowing it and how important this is in problem solving process.

At the beginning of the course, when we were discussing our morning routines, what we usually do before making tea, I was skeptical of four key steps, as I didn’t appreciate how they were relevant to our course. Later, when I had to create my first website, I found those cornerstones extremely helpful.

After drawing out the layout of the webpage on paper, I decided to plan every step in detail. Since the task was complex to me, I decomposed it into smaller parts and compared it to the web pages we had discussed in class. Focused on the most important aspects of the problem, I planned a detailed guide on how to build a responsive, flexbox-based layout. I believe that it was these four techniques that helped me to deal with HTML&CSS effectively.

Thinking computationally helped me to handle complex tasks in other modules too. Whenever I face difficult problems in python, I break them down, look for similarities, and try to focus on the most important part of the problem. By analyzing all those steps, I can formulate a step-by-step solution.

Module in computational thinking allowed me not only to overcome complex obstacles but also, to come up with the most efficient approaches. Based on my experience, I can state that decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms lead to innovative solutions and directions.

I learned much from the computational thinking module over the past few weeks, but the most important lesson is that it changed the way I approach new challenges. Earlier, I considered that there was a broad range of topics I could never master, but now, I am convinced that there isn't anything I can't understand if I plan it properly and follow the step-by-step directions to get there.

Understanding problem-solving techniques and new approaches is critical now when I have an intense academic year ahead. Every time I'll be dealing with new programming languages, visualization tools, or other rigorous tasks, I will know how to transform those challenges into new opportunities and enjoy succeeding in them. In addition, four key CT techniques will allow me to develop a range of new skills that will lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

problem solving

An introductory guide to Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach based on fundamental thinking processes that incorporate four cornerstones: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm.

Short biography of a famous computer scientist

Biography of Barbara Liskov - one of the first women in the United States who was awarded a PH.D. from the Computer science department and who won the A.M. Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science

Short reflection on what I have learnt

Computational thinking is a familiar aspect of our everyday life, but most people are unaware of it. I have always associated it with programming and until recently, I believed that it was useful mostly to those pursuing careers in computer science and technology