Learning about Internet
First of all, thanks to my instructor and ami instructors. During these weeks' learning of Computational Thinking, Professor Daniela Tsaneva mainly teached knowledge about Internet and HTML&CSS. This part is totally new to me and I learned the origin and development of Internet from a system for military to a network covering the whloe world benifiting every corner of people's daily life. TCP/IP agreement makes it possible for different networks to connect to each other securely. Client-Server Model changed the situation of direct connection between computers and the existence of severs makes communication more efficient. Internet Protocal(IP) and some elements about it ensure the progress of delivering data from source to destination over the internet--IPv4 and IPv6 are two version used now. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) works to sending data streams.Except for TCP and IP, there are other protocals like HTTP and FTP.
Learning about languages
Knowledge about HTTP&CSS is the most important element of CMT119 in my opinion. With the help of Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) I could creat web pages by myself and learn much from some excellent web pages. To creat a web page, HTML tags are used to markup our content so that they can be accepted by browsers. Different tags endow different meanings to our content. Actually, only if we use correct tag describing the contents correctly and add to the documents, could we see the web pages smoothly in different browsers. In a document, there are two elements which must exist -- head and body. The head element include the information of the HTML documnt. It tells the browser that which version this web page is, which language this web page shows and many settings of the document. The body element is the main structure of a web page. It includes every part the web page shows to viewer like images with "img" tag, links with "a" tag and text with "p" tag. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language to format and style HTML documents, and decide how the elements in HTML documents dispaly on the web pages. We can write down a lot of rules in a CSS document for HTML document to involk them to suit every element. The JAVA SCRIPT language can be used to control the behaviours of the web elements.
Impact on my rest course in the future
Excepet for these knowledge mentioned upon, This module also gives some impact to my other modules' learning. There are many similarities between different programme languages, so when I learned some skills from JS or HTML&CSS, it makes me learn easier in Python and C++. For example: For and While loop in JS are almost as same as them in Python. Besides, learning about HTML&CSS has important impact on my work in CMT313 Software Engineering. In this module's learing progress, my team should complete our bussiness palning where designing a lot of web pages and interfaces of our app is the fundamental work. Whitout the learning in class and practice in this coursework, it must be a huge problem for us to complete the assessment in the future. It is also very important to foster our computational thinking and rigorous logic. They will stay with us for a life time whether we face problems in programming or other problems in our study in the future.