
Computational thinking is a beneficial mindset in my study and everyday life. In the beginning, I thought the concept of computational thinking seemed restricted to computer science and programming. However, as I delved deeper into the subject, I realized it has crucial implications in refining my approach to learning and problem-solving. When we use computational thinking in our studies, it helps us become better at thinking critically. This means we learn to look at problems logically. This skill helps us solve problems effectively and gives us a better understanding of complicated issues in our study and work.

As technology keeps changing and becoming a bigger part of our daily lives, knowing how to use computational thinking is more important than before. Being good at computational thinking helps people handle the fast changes in technology, making it easier for them to deal with recent problems and take advantage of new opportunities in our digital and data-focused world. Also, computational thinking does not just belong to one subject, it can be used in lots of different areas. This makes it possible for people to work together from different fields and produce creative ways to solve problems. This teamwork not only helps people understand many different things but also gives them skills that they can use to tackle many different problems that affect the world. In general, learning and using computational thinking in school and beyond are super important. It is a basic skill that helps people deal with the complicated world around them. By using an orderly and logical way to solve problems, computational thinking helps people get a better understanding of what they are learning and equips them with the skills they need to be successful in a world that is always changing.

Consequently, I need to devote increased effort to my future study of computer science knowledge and the practical application of computational thinking. Primarily, I need to adopt a more proactive learning approach, as active engagement can significantly stimulate my deeper understanding of computer science. Furthermore, I should prioritize consistent and regular practice sessions, dedicating at least fifteen minutes each day to practice my skills. It is better than two hours once a week. Finally, I should endeavor to cultivate a more systematic approach to my work and learning. By structuring my study routine and projects methodically, I can develop a comprehensive and coherent understanding of the underlying principles of computer science and computational thinking. This systematic approach will not only enhance my overall grasp of computer science but also enable me to integrate these concepts into practical applications.

In conclusion, I learned a great deal of computational thinking knowledge, and I endeavor to apply it in my future study. I recognize the significant benefits that computational thinking can offer my problem-solving abilities and foster a deeper understanding of complex concepts.


Lazarev, K. 2021. Green valley in alpine mountains. Available at: File: pexels-kirill-lazarev-9801136.jpg [Accessed: 18 October 2023].