Reflection on this module

This class has helped me a lot, especially the way to think about the problem, the way to learn the knowledge, it is a good introductory class.

The habit of thinking — The computational thinking I learned in this lesson made me realize this ability more clearly. Before I was exposed to it, concepts and problem solving methods like this existed in my head, but it was vague, and through this lesson it became clear in my head. For example, the "decomposition" in computational thinking is the philosophical idea of turning big things into small things and small things into nothing. This method can be used when facing a difficult problem, first of all, the difficult problem is broken down into several simple problems, and then broken down one by one to finally finish the difficult problem.

Purpose of Learning — The concept of "pattern recognition" that I learned in this lesson makes me realize that the purpose of learning is to learn more knowledge and master more models of things. The more we learn and experience, the more we can find a solution to a new problem. This is because any complex problem shown is composed of many small problems of different types. The more knowledge we have in our minds, The more you can find solutions to problems, because many problems are similar.

Continuous generalization — There are so many problems in life that we must abstract the common points of the methods used to solve them, that is, master the essence of these methods, so that we can use the summarized conclusions to solve them when we encounter new problems. In my future study, I must often make inductive summaries to summarize the similarities of different subjects and problems, so as to improve my ability to solve other problems.

The importance of algorithm learning Algorithms are the steps to solve a problem, and although there are many ways to solve a problem, they have different losses, which is the importance of learning algorithms and finding the most efficient algorithm possible. Algorithm is also the soul of the program, in the future learning, I must pay attention to the learning of algorithm, not only to solve the problem, but also to solve the problem efficiently.