Reflection of Computational Thinking


The significance of Computational Thinking has been widely discussed, in my opinion, Computational Thinking is kind of like analytical thinking, sharing with mathematical thinking to approach solving a problem in general ways. Each element contributes a lot to my rest study of programming. It is more than a concept but a more practical method teaching me how to solve problems. The influence of computational thinking is being witnessed across a wide range of academic disciplines, including both scientific and humanities-based research. This form of thinking is revolutionizing the approaches used in research and is increasingly becoming a critical component in the pursuit of academic excellence. As such, there is an urgent need for researchers to incorporate computational thinking as a fundamental element in their research processes.


Honestly, I never thought about the usage of computational thinking before I learned it, thinking Computer Science is just about coding, bugging, debugging, and so on. After taking this course, I realized that code can be applied in a variety of fields, beyond what I had previously thought. Upon reflection of the introductory guide, the elements of Computational Thinking offer an approach to problem-solving that applies to both programming and daily life.

For programme, deeper computational thinking may lead us to model more and more complex systems, as well as analysing the massive amounts of data collected and generated. The advancement of computing is propelled by scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and societal demands. In this context, the application of Computational Thinking can yield significant benefits and contribute to the evolution of computing (Wing 2008).


1.Bundy, A. 2007 Computational thinking is pervasive. J. Scient. Pract. Comput. 1, 67–69.
2.Wing, J.M., 2008. Computational thinking and thinking about computing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 366(1881), pp.3717-3725.
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