My Reflection

During this module we have covered introduction concepts that makes up computational thinking. The idea of what programming is and how important it is to write clear instructions and to do so I had to understand the fundamentals of programming and the way of thinking that comes with programming, I applied this theory to introduction to HTML and CSS.

Learning HTML and CSS has helped me understand the basic format of writing in a language. Writing code and understanding coding concepts are skills that I can develop over time. The more you learn about HTML and CSS, the easier it will be to learn other languages I will cover throughout the course.

I learnt quickly that programming is very particular, like learning any other language you must be clear and concise. There is a strict order to follow that massively helps when tackling tasks, such as I found out while completing the HTML and CSS exercises. During the exercises I adopted the process of computational thinking.

The process of computational thinking starts by taking that complex problem and deconstructing them into a series of manageable problems, this is referred to as (Decomposition). Dealing with many different parts all at once is much more problematic than splitting up a task down into a smaller number of problems and solving each problem individually. These smaller problems can then be looked at independently, considering how similar problems have been solved previously, this is known as (pattern recognition). Recognised similarities or patterns among small problems can help us solve more complex problems more efficiently as well as focusing only on the important details, while ignoring irrelevant information, we call this (abstraction). From this we generate a description of what we are trying to solve. An algorithm a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem. Each instruction is classified and the order in which they should be carried out is intended. Algorithms are often used as a starting point for any solution, and it is helpful to be written as a flowchart or in pseudocode, it breaks down the problem into a simplified visual, step by step.