Python Programming Language

What is Python

Python is a high level, object-oriented programming language. It is ne of the most popular programming languages in the world and it is most well-known because of its easy to use syntax but still powerful features. It was developed by Guido Van Rossum in and first released in 1991. He created to have a syntax that very understanable and as like English. It is very widely used to cover the basics for beginners, but it also used by many experts because of its simplicity as well as powerful features. It was designed to be easy to read and understand.

Python is used very extensively in the modern world. It is one of the most widely used scripting languages in the world and one of the favorites among programmers, as it has a large selection of libraries as well as community support.

It is mostly used as a scripting language, which creates the server - side applications for web apps. It is also used behind the GUI of a peice of software and behind webpages. It can also be used in shells of an Operating system or game. However due to its wide range of third party libraries and packages it can be used for many many more.

Some Major Companies that Use Python are:

Some areas where Python is used are:

Python can be downloaded freely by clicking on the image below

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