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Multiple argument input to a Perl CGI script

Let us now return to a more complex form example. We previously looked at the Python Quiz form.

Python Quiz:

What is thy name:

What is thy quest:

What is thy favorite color:

What is the weight of a swallow: African Swallow or Continental Swallow

What do you have to say for yourself

Press to submit your query.

The HTML to produce this is:

<H1>Python Quiz: </H1>

<form  method = "post" action = "">
What is thy name: <input name="name"><P>
What is thy quest: <input name="quest"><P>

What is thy favorite color:
 <select name="color">
 <option selected>chartreuse
 <option>olive draub
 <option>blanched almond

What is the weight of a swallow: <input type="radio" name="swallow"
value="african" checked> African Swallow or
<input type="radio" name="swallow" value="continental"> Continental

What do you have to say for yourself 
<textarea name="text" rows=5 cols=60></textarea>

Press <input type="submit" value="here"> to submit your query.

Note: that the Method attribute is set to POST. This desirable since many name/value pairs are sent to the CGI script.

If the method was set to GET instead the call would look something like this:


The Post method sends all this dat via standard input which is far neater.

This has several input name/value pairs.

To extract out the relevant value for a given name is straightforward though:

It is also useful to process the form input for a Textarea field so that line breaks are inserted - since HTML does not preserve linebreaks and carriage returns will be present in the multiline output.

The Perl commands:

($text = $input{'text'}) =~ s/\n/\n<BR>/g;
does this.

This Perl is a little complex for complete study now. Essentially the following occurs

So our complete Perl script is as follows:

The complete Perl code is as follows:


# Copyright (C) 1994 Steven E. Brenner
# This is a small demonstration script 
# to demonstrate the use of 
# the library

require "";

# Read in all the variables from form

# Print the header
print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTop (" demo form output");

# Do some processing, and print some output
# add <BR>'s after carriage returns
# to multline input, since HTML does not
# preserve line breaks
($text = $input{'text'}) =~ s/\n/\n<BR>/g; 
print << ENDOFTEXT; 

You, $input{'name'}, whose favorite color is $input{'color'} are on a
quest which is $input{'quest'}, and are looking for the air speed/velocity of an
$input{'swallow'} swallow.  And this is what you have to say for
yourself:<P> $text<P>


# If you want, just print out a list of all of the variables.
print "<HR>And here is a list of the variables you entered...<P>";
print &PrintVariables(*input);

# Close the document cleanly.
print &HtmlBot;

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Dave Marshall