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Learning HTML

There are several good text books on HTML -- see books listing

Recommended Books List

There are several ONLINE resources that are worth checking out.

HTML Writer's Guild Use URLs
HTML Writer's Guild Use URLs
Suzanne Cook's Quick Tutorial on Creating Web Pages
(A brief, easy beginner's guide.)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Site of the organization which determines the standards of HTML. Some of the information gets technical but it is an invaluable resource in the long run.
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Up to date guide on HTML. Can Download site in various formats.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML Home pages
Very basic introduction and tutorial. A very detailed and step by step site. Also includes section on publishing a document to the Web.
How do they do that with HTML?
More of a tip's and tricks site, offers a good explanation of graphics and HTML
HTML for the Conceptually Challenged
HTML tutorial that uses "laymen's" terms to describe HTML tags and concepts
HTML Hints and Tips
Very Good guide to layout and structure of an HTML document. Includes sections on URL's and other terms.
HTML Questions and Answers
Basically a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Provides answers for specific problems.
Index DOT HTML: the Advanced HTML reference
One of best HTML sites around. Offers history, broswerisms, and full information on the latest tags. Includes coverage of things like Dynamic HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
HTML Quick Reference (Including Explorer and Netscape Extensions)
More of a reference guide than an introduction it contains a list of tags and their definitions. Covers HTML 3.2 as well as Explorer and Netscape proprietary tags
Netscape's HTML Reference Guide
HTML Reference Guide by Netscape. Offers comprehensive information and a full index of pages. Large site is not convenient to download manually though.
WDVL: Hypertext Markup Language
One of best out there. Covers all HTML including the newest additions such as dynamic HTML. Also has a large links section.
Standard 3.2 (Wilbur)
HTML 3.2 reference, by Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet and company. Very nice, quite complete, and very readable 3.2 reference. Also available as a single 260k downloadable file.

Quick Reference for Standard 3.2 (Wilbur)
Kevin Werbach's Barebones Guide to HTML with 3.2 tags
(Also available as a downloadable text file)

The Official W3C page on Standard 3.2 (Wilbur)

Standards 2.0, 3.0 and many extensions
The always helpful Sandia Reference Manual

The Web Developer's Virtual Library at
(includes browser, server, and CGI references, too)

The Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (Jacob Nielsen's Alert Box, May 1996)

The O'Reilly dictionary: very helpful and quite complete dictionary of Internet/Web terms.

And one that's specific to the Web:
World Wide Web Acronym and Abbreviation List:

HTML Goodies from Joe Burns. The HUH? Tutorials.
Forms, CGI, and a whole lot more

The Best Way to Learn HTML

The best way to learn HTML is by example.

You can read many books but practice, writing your own HTML pages and learning from example WWW pages on line is the best way to learn tips and constructs.

You can use Explorer/Netscape to help in this matter:

Entire Web pages may also be saved to disk by

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Dave Marshall