The preprocessor more or less provides its own language which can be a very powerful tool to the programmer. Recall that all preprocessor directives or commands begin with a #.
Use of the preprocessor is advantageous since it makes:
The preprocessor also lets us customise the language. For example to replace {
... } block statements delimiters by PASCAL like begin ... end we can do:
#define begin {
#define end }
During compilation all occurrences of begin and end get replaced by
corresponding { or } and so the subsequent C compilation stage does not know
any difference!!!.
Lets look at #define in more detail
Use this to define constants or any macro substitution. Use as follows:
#define <macro> <replacement name>
For Example
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
We can also define small "functions" using #define. For example max. of
two variables:
#define max(A,B) ( (A) > (B) ? (A):(B))
? is the ternary operator in C.
Note: that this does not define a proper function max.
All it
means that wherever we place max(C,D
) the text gets replaced by the appropriate
definition. [
= any variable names - not necessarily C and D]
So if in our C code we typed something like:
x = max(q+r,s+t);
after preprocessing, if we were able to look at the code it would appear like
x = ( (q+r) > (r+s) ? (q+r) : (s+t));
Other examples of #define could be:
#define Deg_to_Rad(X) (X*M_PI/180.0)
/* converts degrees to radians, M_PI is the value
of pi and is defined in math.h library */
#define LEFT_SHIFT_8 <<8
NOTE: The last macro LEFT_SHIFT_8 is only
valid so long as
replacement context is valid i.e.
x = y LEFT_SHIFT_8.
This commands undefined a macro. A macro must be undefined before being redefined to a different value.
This directive includes a file into code.
It has two possible forms:
#include <file>
#include "file"
<file> tells the compiler to look where system include files are
held. Usually UNIX systems store files in
"file" looks for a file in the current directory (where program was
run from)
Included files usually contain C prototypes and declarations from header files and not (algorithmic) C code (SEE next Chapter for reasons)
#if evaluates a constant integer expression. You always need
a #endif to delimit end of statement.
We can have else etc. as well by using #else and #elif --
else if.
Another common use of #if is with:
These are useful for checking if macros are set -- perhaps from different
program modules and header files.
For example, to set integer size for a portable C program between TurboC (on
MSDOS) and Unix (or other) Operating systems. Recall that TurboC uses 16
bits/integer and UNIX 32 bits/integer.
Assume that if TurboC is running a macro TURBOC will be defined. So we
just need to check for this:
#ifdef TURBOC
#define INT_SIZE 16
#define INT_SIZE 32
As another example if running program on MSDOS machine we want to include file
msdos.h otherwise a default.h file. A macro SYSTEM is set (by OS) to type
of system so check for this:
#include <msdos.h>
#include "default.h"
You can use the cc compiler to control what values are set or defined from the command line. This gives some flexibility in setting customised values and has some other useful functions. The -D compiler option is used. For example:
cc -DLINELENGTH=80 prog.c -o prog
has the same effect as:
#define LINELENGTH 80
Note that any #define
or #undef
within the program
(prog.c above) override command line settings.
You can also set a symbol without a value, for example:
cc -DDEBUG prog.c -o prog
Here the value is assumed to be 1.
The setting of such flags is useful, especially for debugging. You can put commands like:
#ifdef DEBUG print("Debugging: Program Version 1\"); #else print("Program Version 1 (Production)\"); #endif
Also since preprocessor command can be written anywhere in a C program you can filter out variables etc for printing etc. when debugging:
x = y *3; #ifdef DEBUG print("Debugging: Variables (x,y) = \",x,y); #endif
The -E command line is worth mentioning just for academic reasons. It is not that practical a command. The -E command will force the compiler to stop after the preprocessing stage and output the current state of your program. Apart from being debugging aid for preprocessor commands and also as a useful initial learning tool (try this option out with some of the examples above) it is not that commonly used.
There are few other preprocessor directives available:
#ifdef OS_MSDOS #include <msdos.h> #elifdef OS_UNIX #include "default.h" #else #error Wrong OS!! #endif
Exercise 12529
Define a preprocessor macro swap(t, x, y) that will swap two arguments x and y of a given type t.
Exercise 12531
Define a preprocessor macro to select: