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Virtual Reality:Hardware and Software

A key distinction to VR purists is the fact that the user is immersed in the computer simulation. All our senses are focused on visiting this new place. Desktop VR is a subset of VR that does not require all four conditions of full immersion:

Full field of vision display, usually produced by the wearing of a Head Mounted Display.
Tracking of the position and attitude of the participant's body.
Computer tracking of the participant's movements and actions.
Negligible delay in updating the display with feedback from the body's movements and actions.

Desktop VR is very popular because it can be used at little additional cost to a typical personal computer. So, as we wait for VR accessories to come down in price further, we can introduce VR concepts to a cross-section of society now. Desktop VR is delivered through computer graphics and multimedia and is not considered VR by the purists. As long as our senses are distracted by events outside of the computer simulation, our minds are quick to remember a virtual place is not reality.

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Dave Marshall