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What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (usually called VR) is a term that refers to a computer generated environment where sight, sound, and sometimes even touch are simulated to create pictures, sounds and objects that actually seem real. A participant enters this simulated environment through a head mounted display (HMD) and interacts using a hand held control or a glove. VR systems create full colour 3-D images, track the participants body movements - usually head and hand motions - and change the image instantly as the participant interacts and moves through the virtual world.

Experts predict the future of personal and business computing will merge with VR technology. VR will become integrated into our daily lives, from virtual shopping and banking to real-time virtual communication conferencing. Virtual Reality, being a realistic simulation, can and will be used in education and training to teach our kids history and how to drive a car. VR technology has already begun to emerge in the military, architectural and medical industries.

But by far the most common application of VR technology today has been for entertainment purposes.

Dave Marshall