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Key Features of Hyperwave

The key feature of Hyperwave include:

Completely Web-based
-- No Client Installation Required The Hyperwave Information Server (HWIS) allows users and administrators to access all information and functions directly through their favorite web browser. HWIS requires minimal installation, user training and maintenance costs at the client.

Advanced integration both on the MS Windows desktop and on the server side enables users to stay with their applications of choice. ODMA support and MS Explorer "virtual folders" provide users with direct access to documents from desktop applications.

This powerful combination of virtual folders and file read/write support for Windows-based applications allows users to publish and access information directly from their Windows (95 or NT) workstation and even inside their favorite Windows applications (like Word or PowerPoint, or any other Windows-based application).

This combined functionality significantly reduces installation and training costs while increasing user acceptance through the use of already familiar tools.

Sophisticated Hyperlink Management
-- Hyperwave separates hyperlinks from content and treats them as objects, with their own associated metadata. This provides automatic, bi-directional link consistency without any manual intervention. If the source or destination is changed, i.e.; a document is checked-out from the system, the link is deactivated and reactivated when the document is placed back online. Hyperlinks are added easily and intuitively by users via "point and click" menu selections, without any knowledge of HTML. This enables users to create context for their publications. Because HWIS automatically manages site integrity through automated Hyperlink management, system administrators do not spend time managing hyperlinks and orphaned documents. They can be redeployed for more productive activities or development.

Advanced Document Management Features

The core of the Hyperwave Information Server is the "Document Library", where documents are stored in a flexible, hierarchical structure. User-defined virtual folders facilitate document organization.

Multi-view, Dynamic Page Building
-- HWIS allows users to publish any type of information (video, audio, text, Word, PDF files, etc.) and store it in its original or native format. HWIS's unique dynamic page building allows users to see customized information based on their preferences (multi-view) or access rights (multi-access).

This capability delivers specifically tailored information to the user based on preferences or access rights. Several users can work together on separate document sections to produce a complete document, improving an organization's collaborative processes. Up-to-date, accurate, tailored, and secure information is quickly shared.

HTML Sequences
-- Users can publish sequenced HTML pages. Users can delete and add pages at any time while Hyperwave's bi-directional link management automatically manages hyperlinks and indexes. This removes the need for a publishing center. System administrators no longer need to spend time and money managing hyperlinks and orphaned documents.

Virtual Collections
-- Documents are only stored once (unless deliberately copied by a user). This allows users to construct their own views via folders, sub-folders and short cuts. For example, technical users do not use the same information and do not have the same information classification needs as sales reps. Users view and use information across the enterprise dynamically without the need for duplication. This eliminates old or outdated information due to different versions existing on different servers. This results in enhanced usability, more flexibility and reduced administrative setup and maintenance costs.

Highly Scalable Server Pool Architecture

Server Pools store information locally where it is created and share indexes of information. Any user (with appropriate access rights) from any server can access information. Speeds multi-server searches.

Server Pools increase performance, reliability, and usability of the system. Typically, 80%-90% of information is needed and maintained locally. Local server storage increases the overall performance and reliability of the system while providing great flexibility is how the system is designed and expanded. Network segment failures usually do not affect local access thereby increasing overall system reliability.

Personalized Information Delivery

Hyperwave dynamically assembles and presents the folder structure, the embedded documents and associated links according to a useršs specific needs and identity. Only information relevant to individual requirements and privileges is delivered to the desktop.

Reusable query Objects and e-mail notification agents save the time and effort involved in searching for new or updated information. This e-mail function regularly and automatically delivers any information which may be essential to keep business processes and information flow on track. Thanks to native format support, documents do not require reformatting or republishing.

Instant Information Access

Hyperwave provides intuitive search and navigational capabilities for quick access to relevant data - even in large document collections. Information access is supported by content-centric, hierarchically-structured collections.

Built-in full-text and metadata search engines support many languages and document formats including HTML, PDF and common office file formats. The scope of search queries may include all documents within the entire distributed system, or it may be restricted to specific subcollections.

Reliable, Robust, Secure

Although the system is open and easy to use, it also provides very detailed control of access privileges applied to every object. Effective security control is essential to protecting your confidential data while insuring users have access to all of the information the need to be effective.

Content views and search results are fully compliant with access authorization. Users are shown only those documents for which they have clearance - non-authorized users are not even aware that confidential content exists.

Open, Customizable Solution

Hyperwave Information Server is a complete, off-the-shelf, open standards based solution that delivers immediate and substantial benefits to an organization.

Advanced integration both on the MS Windows desktop and on the server side enables users to stay with their applications of choice. ODMA support and MS Explorer "virtual folders" provide users with direct access to documents from desktop applications.

State-of-the-art JavaScript and programming APIs have been integrated into the server insuring the advanced flexibility required for highly specialized application environments. Whether required simply to customize the interface or to develop complete individual applications, the level of functionality required to provide optimum support has been built into Hyperwave Information Server.

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Dave Marshall