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Wide Area Networks

Wide Area Networks (WAN) are categorised by the following:

Internet Layering

        Layer                  Example
	       -----                  -------
	 |  Application  |	FTP, Telnet, SMTP, X-Windows, MIME, HTTP
	 |   Transport   |	UDP, TCP, TP4, Routing
	 |   Internet    |      IGMP, IP, CLNP
	 |  Subnetwork   |	Ethernet, X.25, FDDI, Token Ring
	 |   Data Link   |	HDLC, PPP, SLIP
	 |   Physical    |      RS-232, V.35, Fiber Optic

Network Layer - IP (Internet Protocol)

Gateways and Routing

Routing using the Internet Protocol

IP Problems and Solutions

Summary: IP properties

Transport Layer - UDP and TCP UDP and TCP are two transport-layer protocols used in TCP/IP.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

Performance improvements

Flow Control

TCP Model

TCP Model

TCP Flow control

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Dave Marshall