This Chapter discusses how more advanced data types and structures can be created and used in a C program.
Structures in C are similar to records in Pascal. For example:
struct gun
char name[50];
int magazinesize;
float calibre;
struct gun arnies;
defines a new structure gun and makes arnies an instance of it.
NOTE: that gun is a tag for the structure that serves as
shorthand for future declarations. We now only need to say struct gun and
the body of the structure is implied as we do to make the arnies variable.
The tag is optional.
Variables can also be declared between the } and ; of a struct declaration, i.e.:
struct gun
char name[50];
int magazinesize;
float calibre;
} arnies;
struct's can be pre-initialised at declaration:
struct gun arnies={"Uzi",30,7};
which gives arnie a 7mm. Uzi with 30 rounds of ammunition.
To access a member (or field) of a struct, C provides the .
operator. For example, to give arnie more rounds of ammunition:
typedef can also be used with structures. The following creates a new type agun which is of type struct gun and can be initialised as usual:
typedef struct gun
char name[50];
int magazinesize;
float calibre;
} agun;
agun arnies={"Uzi",30,7};
Here gun still acts as a tag to the struct and is optional.
Indeed since we have defined a new data type it is not really of much use,
agun is the new data type. arnies is a variable of type agun
which is a structure.
C also allows arrays of structures:
typedef struct gun
char name[50];
int magazinesize;
float calibre;
} agun;
agun arniesguns[1000];
This gives arniesguns a 1000 guns. This may be used in the following way:
gives Arnie's gun number 50 a calibre of 100mm, and:
assigns the calibre of Arnie's first gun to itscalibre.
A union is a variable which may hold (at different times) objects of different sizes and types. C uses the union statement to create unions, for example:
union number
short shortnumber;
long longnumber;
double floatnumber;
} anumber
defines a union called number and an instance of it called anumber. number is a union tag and acts in the same way as a tag for a structure.
Members can be accessed in the following way:
This clearly displays the value of longnumber.
When the C compiler is allocating memory for unions it will
always reserve enough room for the
largest member (in the above example this is 8 bytes for the double).
In order that the program can keep track of the type of union variable being
used at a given time it is common to have a structure (with union embedded in
it) and a variable which flags the union type:
An example is:
typedef struct
{ int maxpassengers;
} jet;
typedef struct
{ int liftcapacity;
} helicopter;
typedef struct
{ int maxpayload;
} cargoplane;
typedef union
{ jet jetu;
helicopter helicopteru;
cargoplane cargoplaneu;
} aircraft;
typedef struct
{ aircrafttype kind;
int speed;
aircraft description;
} an_aircraft;
This example defines a base union aircraft which may either be
jet, helicopter, or
In the an_aircraft structure there is a kind member which indicates which structure is being held at the time.
C is one of the few languages to allow coercion, that is forcing one
variable of one type to be another type. C allows this using the cast operator
(). So:
int integernumber;
float floatnumber=9.87;
assigns 9 (the fractional part is thrown away) to integernumber.
int integernumber=10;
float floatnumber;
assigns 10.0 to floatnumber.
Coercion can be used with any of the simple data types including char, so:
int integernumber;
char letter='A';
assigns 65 (the ASCII code for `A') to integernumber.
Some typecasting is done automatically -- this is mainly with integer
A good rule to follow is: If in doubt cast.
Another use is the make sure division behaves as requested: If we have two
integers internumber and anotherint and we want the answer to be a
float then :
e.g. floatnumber = (float) internumber / (float) anotherint;
ensures floating point division.
Enumerated types contain a list of constants that can be addressed in integer
We can declare types and variables as follows.
enum days {mon, tues, ..., sun} week;
enum days week1, week2;
NOTE: As with arrays first enumerated name has index value 0. So
mon has value 0, tues 1, and so on.
week1 and week2 are variables.
We can define other values:
enum escapes { bell = `a', backspace = `
b', tab = `
t', newline = `\n', vtab = `
v', return = `
We can also override the 0 start value:
enum months {jan = 1, feb, mar, ......, dec};
Here it is implied that feb = 2 etc.
A static variable is local to particular function. However, it is only initialised once (on the first call to function).
Also the value of the variable on leaving the function remains intact. On the next call to the function the the static variable has the same value as on leaving.
To define a static variable simply prefix the variable declaration with the static keyword. For example:
{ int auto_var = 0;
static int static_var = 0;
printf( "auto = %d, static = %d \n",
auto_var, static_var);
void stat(); /* prototype fn */
{ int i;
for (i=0;i<5;++i)
Output is:
auto_var = 0, static_var= 0
auto_var = 0, static_var = 1
auto_var = 0, static_var = 2
auto_var = 0, static_var = 3
auto_var = 0, static_var = 4
Clearly the auto_var variable is created each time. The static_var is created once and remembers its value.
Exercise 12386
Write program using enumerated types which when given today's date will print out tomorrow's date in the for 31st January, for example.
Exercise 12387
Write a simple database program that will store a persons details such as age, date of birth, address etc.