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Using Perl to Send Mail

Enough theory let's see some actual Perl code.

The program below does just this. It' basic operation is as follows:

(Some comments have been added to indicate changes that are needed for porting to some machines)

The Perl code for is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Socket;
use strict;

my($mailTo)     = '';

my($mailServer) = '';

my($mailFrom)   = '';
my($realName)   = "Ralph Martin";
my($subject)    = 'Test';
my($body)       = "Test Line One.\nTest Line Two.\n";

$main::SIG{'INT'} = 'closeSocket';

my($proto)      = getprotobyname("tcp")        || 6;
my($port)       = getservbyname("SMTP", "tcp") || 25;
my($serverAddr) = (gethostbyname($mailServer))[4];

if (! defined($length)) {

    die('gethostbyname failed.');

socket(SMTP, AF_INET(), SOCK_STREAM(), $proto)
    or die("socket: $!");

$packFormat = 'S n a4 x8';   # Windows 95, SunOs 4.1+
#$packFormat = 'S n c4 x8';   # SunOs 5.4+ (Solaris 2)

connect(SMTP, pack($packFormat, AF_INET(), $port, $serverAddr))
    or die("connect: $!");

select(SMTP); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);    # use unbuffemiles i/o.

    my($inpBuf) = '';

    recv(SMTP, $inpBuf, 200, 0);
    recv(SMTP, $inpBuf, 200, 0);

sendSMTP(1, "HELO\n");
sendSMTP(1, "MAIL From: <$mailFrom>\n");
sendSMTP(1, "RCPT To: <$mailTo>\n");
sendSMTP(1, "DATA\n");

send(SMTP, "From: $realName\n", 0);
send(SMTP, "Subject: $subject\n", 0);
send(SMTP, $body, 0);

sendSMTP(1, "\r\n.\r\n");
sendSMTP(1, "QUIT\n");


sub closeSocket {     # close smtp socket on error
    die("SMTP socket closed due to SIGINT\n");

sub sendSMTP {
    my($debug)  = shift;
    my($buffer) = @_;

    print STDERR ("> $buffer") if $debug;
    send(SMTP, $buffer, 0);

    recv(SMTP, $buffer, 200, 0);
    print STDERR ("< $buffer") if $debug;

    return( (split(/ /, $buffer))[0] );

This program displays:

< 250 Hello
    [], pleased to meet you
> MAIL From: <>
< 250 <>... Sender ok
> RCPT To: <>
< 250 <>... Recipient ok
< 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
< 250 TAA12656 Message accepted for delivery
< 221 closing connection

The lines in bold are the commands that were sent to the server. The body of the letter is not shown in the output.

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