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The Impact of This Course


What I have learned in this module

I have learned this course for 4 weeks. At the beginning of cmt119, my teacher introduced a new concept to us: computational thinking, it’s quite difficult for me at first, thanks to teacher’s examples and metaphors, I have a better understanding of this concept. In this course, I notice that machine cannot identify the programming code even though the code looks complicated, the machine can only identify binary system: 0 and 1, there has a complier or interpreter between the binary system and high-level programming language. The process of programming is: human brain—high level programming language—interpreter—binary system. Besides, I learned html and css to make webpages, as my teacher said, coding practice is necessary to improve programming skill. For instance, as a freshman in programming, I used to forget adding semicolon in my css practice, which resulted in a failure in my css command. From then on, I tend to check my code step by step, to ensure my code to be accurate. I also think comment line is an important label: “<!---->”in html and “/* */ “in css. We tend to use word abbreviation in “class=”and “id=”,using command line can effectively inform us what the original word is, besides, we can also use comment lines to fix bugs in our code.

The impact on my rest courses

I think it is vital to establish a good habit, especially have a careful attention to detail. For instance, high-level programming language has many symbols we are likely to ignore their differences such as space & table, semicolon& comma, bracket& curly bracket, it is similar in human’s mind, but it does different in programming language. For future learning, I will learn a new programming language which named JavaScript, in JavaScript, it has more than one coding formats “strings” and “numbers”, the type of string ‘23’ is different from number 23. This may seem hard to believe, but it does determine whether the program runs correctly. And I think this module gives me a chance to practice programming in the compiler or interpreter, for example, I made my webpage by using visual-studio code, I have been familiar with this software after I did some exercise, which will be useful in my following courses.


1.image source from: http://lorempixel.com/
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