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Reflection of the Course


Returning to campus to learn computational thinking is not only a refresher, but also a deeper understanding of computational thinking. In my previous work, although I always need to use computational thinking to cope with the needs of different customers, due to the single application scenario and the stereotyped working pattern, I would ignore many computational thinking that I would not use. Re-learning computational thinking is a way for me to improve and enhance my own computational thinking. This study not only strengthened my problem solving methods, but also improved my understanding of front-end programming thinking, and laid a solid foundation for learning more programming languages in the future. I believe that this learning has strengthened my ability to do the following:

  1. Stronger problem solving skills: I was able to modularize my problem partitioning in a more rational way. At the same time, I realized that this approach is not only useful in back-end development, but also helps to collaborate and communicate more effectively, both with front-end development engineers and other team members.

  2. Improvement in front-end programming thinking: Through the learning of computational thinking, I gained a deeper understanding of the logic of front-end programming. I was able to better collaborate with front-end development engineers and understand their needs, as well as more clearly communicate how back-end services interact, resulting in more seamless front-end and back-end collaboration.

  3. Quick learning of programming languages: Crafting effective algorithms and fine-tuning performance were essential facets of my responsibilities.

  4. More efficient code writing: Computational thinking emphasizes modularity and reusability of code. This helps in writing neater and more maintainable code, which is not only useful in back-end development but also important in front-end development.

  5. Problem Prediction and Solving: Computational thinking encourages understanding problems at their root and identifying potential challenges in advance. This helps in better problem prediction and solving in both front-end and back-end development and improves the overall project quality.

To summarize, computational thinking is an invaluable way of thinking that not only applies to back-end development, but also has a positive impact in front-end development. Although I had studied web programming related knowledge in my undergraduate studies, I had gradually forgotten it after not using it for a long time. This mindset has enabled me to better understand problems, code more efficiently, and provide a solid foundation for learning more programming languages. It allowed me to quickly remember what I had previously learned and refine my web programming skills even more. As a computer industry practitioner, Computational Thinking has become an indispensable tool for me, helping me to cope with daily challenges and improve my overall programming skills. I believe that Computational Thinking will help me to learn more about programming in the future and help me to solve the difficulties in class, work and life. It will help me become a better software development engineer.
