
By Hanyang Yu

What have I learnt in this module?

Firstly, I learned how to use HTML and CSS to create a simple web page, such as how to embed images, audios and videos. Learning HTML and CSS improved my problem-solving skills. When I found some issues in my web pages, I needed to analyse and found the solutions. It is without doubt that debug the codes can help me learn more skills and make sure those problems would not repeat.

Secondly, by learning HTML and CSS, I gained some deeper understanding of computational thinking. Computational thinking is not only useful in programming but also valuable in my daily life. For example, computational thinking can help me make a learning plan easily and save time.

Furthermore, during the learning of HTML and CSS, I discovered some resources, such as tutorials and forums. These resources are quite useful for me because when learning programming, I can find anything I need from these resources.

The influence

The first effect is I can lay a foundation for lifelong learning by learning computational thinking. As I said before, I am interested in robot control technology. It is no doubt that there will be so many bugs during programming. Computational thinking can be a useful tool to debug and find solutions.

In addition, this module made me gained some basic knowledge and skills of programming. I have learnt some skills of programming. For example, the first thing after installed the software should be configuring the environment. There may be some troubles if someone tries to configure the environment after typing codes.

Furthermore, HTML and CSS are just the beginning of learning, they can lead to JavaScript and other languages. Also, I can use these two languages to organize some information and put them in a web page, which is suitable for showing some projects or business plans. It will be necessary to show my work whether in university or society, so the knowledge of Computational Thinking will play an important part of my whole life.