Notable Individual Biography

Who Is Wittgenstein

Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, was born in the famous Wittgenstein family. He was one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, and his main field of research was mathematics and logic. He published " Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", in which the idea of object orientation was first systematically presented. In addition, his truth tables have been widely used in logic and circuit design.



Studied under Russell

In the fall of 1908, Wittgenstein became a graduate student in the Department of Engineering at the University of Manchester. On the recommendation of his classmates, Wittgenstein began to read Russell's "Principles of Mathematics". At this time Wittgenstein made an extremely important decision in his life - he decided to meet Russell.

"Russell noted with approval that Wittgenstein had excellent manners, but, ever more approvingly, that: 'in argument he forgets about manners & simply says what he thinks"

-Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius(Monk,1991)

Wittgenstein often talked to Russell about logic, and during his time at Trinity College, Cambridge, Russell became increasingly convinced that he should leave his work to the young Wittgenstein - make his own points and leave the thinking to Wittgenstein.

Birth of the “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”

Wittgenstein served in World War I as a volunteer soldier, and at this time set out to compile his first and only published work, the” Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”, which he sent to major publishers after completing his manuscript, but due to his unique writing and expository style, none of the publishers would publish it because of his unique style of writing and discourse.

"'Do you remember, he wrote to Russell, 'how you were always pressing me to publish something? and now when I should like to, it can't be managed' The devil take it!'"

-Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius(Monk,1991)

Finally, with Russell's help,” Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus” was published. By this time, Wittgenstein had already disbanded his fortune to help his sister Margaret design a "Wittgenstein style" house and then went to work as an elementary school teacher in the countryside.


The house Wittgenstein designed for his sister

Achievements In Computer Science

Wittgenstein's greatness lies in the fact that he both made history and foresaw the future. The former is that Wittgenstein invented the truth table, which is now widely used in circuit design programming and many more logic disciplines, and the latter is that his ideas in the "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" really provided the idea for object-oriented languages(Holmboe, 2004).

In his Philosophical Studies, he lifted the fog of the "computational model of the mind". He explores the next layer of the "computational model of the mind", which is that computers cannot fully understand human intentions through object-oriented languages alone(Proudfoot and Copeland, 1994).