Computational Thinking


On this module, I learned about the HTML, CSS and some basic syntax of javascript. This was my first time to have lessons in English, I felt a little challenging to listen to at the beginning but soon I overcame. Teachers of this module are so nice that they are pleasurable to answer questions students mentioned, which is grateful for me because there are always many questions and bugs popping up in my head and code.

On classes, I followed the slides and did the exercises but I don’t think what I learned in the class was enough for me to complete a web page on my own because some important functions between elements were lacked of being explained, but self-learning is also a key technique to students. That’s why I chose to pursue a full web design course on YouTube after the class. Actually, I used to finish a web design when I was a junior in university, but it was almost two years ago, I can hardly understand the code I had written. Therefore, I decided to learn it from zero, mark down the notes as detail as possible so that I can review it anytime to strengthen the memory. Honestly, the teaching video last 6 hours, but it almost took me 10 hours to finish because I need to pause to take notes or reproduce the code once myself on IDE to check if it works.

Building a web page with just text and solid background is not difficult, but I would like to use CSS to decorate my pages since it will not be the last time to build pages, every time I try to put elements to the place I design means practice, I was so happy and proud when I did it, although it was a struggle and took me a lot of time.

This experience strengthened my confidence greatly, I used to doubt if I can build a web page independently because coding seems a mystery for me when I was a undergraduate student but now it seems I did it! During the study period, I consider that the notes and time management is important, I am lazy and have a poor memory, if I hadn’t stuck to my plan and push myself, it would be a nightmare. In the future study, I need to learn other code languages such as Python and JavaScript, both of them are strange to me and more difficult than CSS, thus definitely I need to spend more time learning and practising them so that I can become more employable after graduation.