
I am an undergraduate student studying Information Security. I have previously lacked exposure to computational thinking and programming skills, as I feel they are of little use to my future development. But after being exposed to this course offered by Cardiff University, I discovered the benefits and charm of using computational thinking to think about problems through an example of a robot treasure hunt in the first class. I discovered the rules through partial and partial operations and then generalised them. For the system as a whole, breaking down a large problem into a series of small, solvable problems can help us understand the problem better and simplify the way we deal with it. This way of thinking can also be very useful in other areas.

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Learning HTML, the foundation of web development, gave me a deeper understanding of how to create and structure web content. In this day and age of rapid internet development, it is very important to know more about the basics of web development. Through html, I learned how to organise information and design web pages. CSS, as a styling and presentation component for web development, enhanced my understanding of visual design and user experience. Through CSS, I can transform ordinary web pages into beautiful and user-friendly interfaces, especially in creating attractive user interfaces and user experiences. It allows me to build a website from scratch according to my own ideas and aesthetics. In an era where digital existence is crucial, being able to use HTML proficiently will be useful in my future studies in Computing and IT Management for my Master's degree or in my career. and I realise that it will profoundly affect my academic and future development prospects,

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JavaScript is the most popular and widely used programming language on the internet. Practicing from the basics allowed me to further understand the versatility of this language, which will significantly affect my further use of JavaScript in my academic and future work due to its capabilities. Wide range of possibilities. Although my current technology is not perfect, with continued learning I will be able to develop network applications and solve complex problems. Knowledge of JavaScript will greatly enhance my academic and personal development, allowing me to take on a wider range of projects and challenges.

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Computer Fundamentals gave me an in-depth understanding of computer operations and the principles behind them. It is the foundation of the entire computing major. It ensures that I have a strong understanding of computer technology and can adapt to the constant emergence of new tools and technologies in today's era. In short, as I reviewed these courses, I continued to discover their importance to my study plan and personal growth. The knowledge and skills gained from these courses will support me in my future studies and working life, enabling me to excel and adapt to the ever-evolving world of technology and innovation.