What is Computational Thinking:

When we are faced with a problem, the first thing we have to do is understand the problem itself and the ways in which it could be solved and computational thinking(CT) helps us to do that. Computational thinking allows us to take a complex problem and understand what the problem is and develop its possible solutions which a computer, a human, or both can understand. Computational thinking helps us to solve problems, design new systems, and understand human behavior by bringing on the concepts that are fundamental to computer science. There are mainly four processes in CT and they are:


It involves the process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller subparts for better understanding/execution. Decomposition helps us to manage the complexity of the problem a lot easier. The examples of decomposition can be seen in our day-to-day life itself, for example, while cooking we break down the whole process into smaller steps to follow: like getting the ingredients, mixing them, adding them to the cooking vessel, and so on and by which, it makes the complex problem of cooking a lot easier.

Pattern Recognition:

This process involves looking out for similarities or common differences among and within the problems. This will helps us to make predictions or lead us to shortcuts. For example, if I liked a dish that is cooked in a specific way I can always follow the same pattern whenever I try the same dish.


This process helps us to preserve/focus the information that is only relevant in the context and ignore irrelevant details to solve the problem efficiently. Abstraction helps us to figure out how to work each part efficiently and accurately. For example, when I describe a novel that I have read to a friend, I will only give the abstract ignoring the irrelevant details.


This process involves developing a step-by-step solution or rules to solve the problem. From the first example of cooking, in this process, we note out the step-by-step process of taking ingredients, the order of mixing and adding them to the vessels, and so on.

Why is Computational Thinking important:

CT is a real-world problem-solving method irrespective of your age or computer literacy. It is more like a problem-solving solution we use in our day-to-day life. Decomposing the problems that we are facing helps us to reach a solution so much easier. CT helps us to solve complex problems from different angles and can even enhance already-made ideas or even applies them to new purposes. Most of the problems that we face in our day-to-day life have a pattern to them and CT not only helps us to spot those patterns but also helps us to make changes to address them in many different ways.

Being a student, learning new concepts is always overwhelming but CT helps us to take things one step at a time, eliminating a lot of complexity. It helps me to take the challenges more easily and come up with solutions to complex problems. CT helps us to explore new information and ideas, and it can also be universally used regardless of the area of study, interests, or problems.

References: From the recordings and the study materials provided in the learning central