Computational Thinking

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Figure 1: A framework for computational thinking integration (Digital Promise 2023)

Computational thinking is the fundamental problem-solving approach that combines critical thinking, logical reasoning and algorithmic problem solving to break down problems into manageable steps (Decomposition). This is achieved by recognising patterns, abstracting what is not necessary and looking at the problem from a high-level perspective, then creating an algorithm that solves the problem. From a technical standpoint, this is very useful because it allows us as aspiring programmers to take things bit by bit without having to do everything at once. Which might save a lot of time down the line from correcting errors.

On a personal level, this thinking process is quite useful as it will be necessary for my current programme and future career. I’ve used computational thinking to plan my day-to-day endeavours by abstracting what’s most important and breaking down the priorities into tasks that need to be completed now, this week or sometime in the future using a Kanban board. I also believe this will be important in the future for me as an entrepreneur because in order to realise my vision, I have to break it down into actionable milestones for me and my team to accomplish.