Computational Thinking

Introductory Guide

What is computational thinking

computational thinking is not the ability of mathematics, nor the use of computers. It is a way of thinking with the application of computer science to solve problems, design systems and other kinds of activities.

there are four processes of computational thinking to solve the problem: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms. decomposition: compose a flexible task into several small problems and solve them separately.

pattern recognition: solve the current problem according to the experience and solution in the past.

abstraction: abstract a detailed question and find out the core of the task. and only spend time on the necessary tasks.

algorithms: design the plan to solve the problem.

When facing a problem, computational thinking requires us to decompose the problem into more detailed problems, then make a plan by logical analysis and create a mode with a solution. Finally, apply the mode to the same kind of problems in the future.

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Importance of computational thinking

Instead of requiring everyone to be software engineers, computational thinking is a way of thinking that can be used to solve various kinds of problems in future society, and it will play an independent role as a problem-solving method.

As for our current program of study, students will face numerous new challenges, including learning different fields of computer science and cooperating on IT management tasks through group work. It will be effective if team members can handle these challenges by using computational thinking. Conversely, team members might encounter difficulties if they cannot formulate the plan for remaining tasks and come up with acceptable algorithms.

Furthermore, there will also be a significant number of problems in the workplace that remain to be solved and can consume a substantial amount of employees' time if they do not apply computational thinking. When handling tasks through composition and abstraction, employees will find it more effective to create algorithm plans based on computational thinking. Additionally, pattern recognition will help employees avoid repetitive tasks in their daily work, ultimately saving a considerable amount of working time.
