Reflection on Learning


Computational Thinking is the first course I've taken for my programme, it introduced the way how to solve problems like a computer, and encouraged me to make use of techniques like drawing flow charts, conditional flows, etc. There are four processes in Computational Thinking, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms. Which is also a helpful model for most problems in real life.

Then I learnt the number system and data representation in the following session. Before this course I only knew binary numbers are commonly used in the computer system, I used to wonder how difficult it would be if a huge amount need to be presented in binary. By changing the base of number system from 2 to 8 or 16, the length could be shortened, which would be more readable for humans. Originally computer was designed for scientists to do complex calculations, however, it can do far more than that now.


Another important part of this course should be the basic concepts of programming, such as variables, statements, iteration. These concepts apply to most prominent programming languages with minor differences, which makes it easier to change to another language if necessary. That is why a programmer usually works with more than one language.

This course also includes the introduction to HTML and CSS, the lecturer showed how to write a website and implemented elements in it, then changed its layout and style during class. After class I tried to finish the first exercise by imitating the lecturer and searching methods to show images and contents displayed in the way I designed, Which was a brand new attempt for me. Actually, the process of building my personal website looks a bit like making slides using PowerPoint, obviously website is more challenging, and it gave me a sense of achievement when finished eventually.


The first 2 weeks of study in this programme did help me adapt to a new field from zero-programming background, lecturers Martin and Matt used plain language to introduce writing code, practical and Q&A sessions were provided for us to address the problems.

The teaching style and study mode vary between the UK and China. I was pushed by homework and assessments at college, and spent more time in class or library reading and taking notes. Now I am motivated by my interest in coding with less pressure directly from class, as computer Science is an updating subject, it’s important to make use of online resources to understand the latest news and technologies, and practise programming languages to get familiar with them. Currently I am studying another course in a study group with other 5 classmates. Instead of just imagining simply, we will try to implement the basic and practical skills that we have learnt from CMT119 to design feasible functions for the product we hope to deliver to our client.

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