THRESHOLDING FOR CHANGE DETECTION ================================= This code implements two methods for change detection. The input is an unsigned difference image (e.g. two video frames, or one frame subtracted from the estimated background) and this is thresholded to produce a change map. The two methods: 1/ compute graph of Euler number versus threshold find corner in graph i.e. point of maximum deviation from line between maximum peak and end of graph 2/ maximise relative variance at different thresholds i.e. reduce randomness of spatial distribution computed over local windows i.e. Poisson distribution model for details see P.L. Rosin, "Thresholding for Change Detection" Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 79-95, 2002. an updated version of P.L. Rosin "Thresholding for Change Detection" Int. Conf. Computer Vision, pp. 274-279, 1998 which extends previous work in P.L. Rosin and T. Ellis "Image difference threshold strategies and shadow detection" British Machine Vision Conf., pp. 347-356 1995. This version of the code is substantially more efficient than the original. For an image with N pixels and G gray levels the computation time is improved from O(N x G) to O(N + G) . FORMATS ======= Images are expected in PGM image format. COMPILING AND RUNNING THE PROGRAMS ================================== Just type make to compile the programs The following program files are included: motion_threshold.c thresholding algorithm pgmio.h utility to read PGM image format Examples: girl-diff.pgm is the image difference between girl1.pgm and girl8.pgm motion_threshold -i girl-diff.pgm -o girl-Euler.pgm -e motion_threshold -i girl-diff.pgm -o girl-Poisson.pgm -p +==============================================+ Prof. Paul Rosin School of Computer Science & Informatics Cardiff University Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK +==============================================+