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- NT is better positioned than Unix to take advantage of
Intel x86 platforms
- Microsoft is a reassuringly safe bet for the future because its dominance
of the computer industry appears to be unshakable
- Intel-based servers that deliver more bang for the buck are driving the
growth of Windows NT
- Three other architecture bases : the Mips Rx000, the Digital Alpha, and
the IBM/Motorola PowerPC - the most popular is x86-based systems
- a price/performance value that's hard to beat
- However ! - NT's ascendancy does not mean Unix is on the rocks!!
- When managing large databases - there is NO MATCH to unix -
when comparing Unix/Oracle, or Unix/Sybase or Unix/Informix
- IS managers maintaining both : NT (as low end machines) - or with
symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) server (four processors or
- Unix servers for more intensive applications (with more processors
- Microsoft continues to work with Sequent and other SMP vendors to improve
NT's scalability, but Unix will retain this advantage for some time to come
- Scalability problems arise from both the hardware limitations of
PC-based servers and inherent limitations of NT itself- limitations that
Microsoft naturally disputes
Omer F Rana
Thu Apr 24 18:13:49 BST 1997