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aka Warehousing!!
Too much stuff ... too little space
- Concerned with organisation of main memory
- Concept of a Memory Hierarchy
- Multiple programs belonging to different users active in
memory at the same time - hence need for protection
- Dynamic vs. Static partitioning of memory
- Placement of programs within the available memory, where ?
which to move out ?
- Ability to share code and data
- Memory sharing transparent - can't tell if it is shared (illusion of
an infinite memory space)
Possible to have multiple levels of caching

Figure 1: Memory Hierarchy
- There is never enough memory (RAM or otherwise)
- Parkinson's law : "Programs expand to fill the memory available to hold them"
Idea : Manage the storage available efficiently between the available programs.
Omer F Rana
Tue Feb 11 19:21:10 GMT 1997