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- Protected variable, which can only be accessed and modified by P and V
operations, plus some initialisation code
- Binary semaphores (values 0 or 1) and general or counting semaphores (assume
ONLY non-negative integer values)
- P and V are indivisible (cannot be interrupted)
- If several processes attempt P simultaneously, only one will be allowed to proceed
- Implementation of P and V ensure that none suffer indefinite postponement
P(s) ::= if s>0
then s := s-1
else -- suspend process on s ;
V(s) ::= if (process waiting on s)
then -- resume one of these processes
else s := s+1;
- Binary Semaphore : like a lock
- General semaphore : like a counter (items in a buffer)
- Initial value = number of processes in critical section simultaneously
- For mutual exclusion : initial value = 1 (only 1 process in critical section)
- Synchronisation is dispersed in processes
- Difficult to use, understand and verify (rather unstructured)
- Mistakes are disastrous
- No explicit textual association between semaphore and the date item
to which it is synchronising access
- Main synchronisation primitive used in unix

Producer - Consumer relation
Producer puts things into a buffer, consumer takes them out -
need synchronisation for coordination
the Unix pipe :
ls | sort | uniq
- Producer and Consumer operating at different rates - hence the user of
an intermediate buffer
- Coke Machine : Producer is delivery person, consumer are staff and
Omer F Rana
Tue Feb 11 19:19:09 GMT 1997