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Critical Section

Requirements and Implementation :

  1. Mutual Exclusion : If process tex2html_wrap_inline227 is executing in its critical section, then no other process can be executing in that critical section
  2. Progress : Only processes outside their critical sections can participate in deciding who will enter the critical section - and selection of a waiting one cannot be postponed indefinitely. However, processes cannot prevent any process from entering their critical section if requirements are valid
  3. Bounded Waiting : There must be a bound on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical section, after a process has made a request to enter is critical section and before that request is granted
  4. No assumption may be made or should be necessary about the relative speed of asynchronous concurrent processes

Two common algorithms :

Omer F Rana
Tue Feb 11 19:19:09 GMT 1997