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Interrupts and Interrupt Vectors


if all interrupt handling in assembly language, in the Kernel, then interrupt handlers :

Hence, no software FLIH

Note : Interrupt handlers should however be written in a high level language, and be part of device handler process - particularly valid for real time systems.
Also, LIH in kernel to perform actions common to all interrupt handling.

Note: There is a slight distinction between forking a thread as opposed to forking a process (unix 'fork'). A Unix fork creates a new process, so it has to create a new address space, in addition to a new thread.

Forking a thread is very much like an asynchronous procedure call, it means - go do this work - where the calling thread does not wait for the callee to complete.

What if the calling thread needs to wait ?

Thread Join - wait for a forked thread to finish.

Hence, a traditional procedure call (in Pascal for instance) :

 procedure A()
 procedure B()

	equivalent to 

  procedure A()
  Thread t = new Thread ;
  t^Fork(B) ; t^Join()


Omer F Rana
Thu Feb 6 16:16:03 GMT 1997