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Aims : Meet requirements of the DoD Orange Book
for the C-2 level of security "assurance" for commercial computer products.
The Structure
- Portable OS with minimal dependence on hardware features
- All computer resource - files, memory, processes (and
special synchronisation primitives like semaphores) and ports
are treated as objects - via Object Manager
- WinNT consists of an executive + several protected subsystems (servers) - executive atop HAL (hardware abstraction layer) and operates in kernel mode
- Security component consists of two parts : WinLogon
and protected server - Local Security Authority (LSA)
(both execute in user mode)
- LSA relies on the Security Accounts Manager and
two executive components Object Manager and
Security reference monitor to determine access privileges
and obtain system resources
- Each user has a security ID and object security via
access control lists (which users/groups are allowed access
to what)
Used to identify and log onto NT (via Ctrl-Alt-Del)
- Implements the Orange Book - Trusted path
requirement to assure user that when the Secure
Attention Sequence is pressed, the resulting prompt for
username and password is from OS and not from a spoofing
program of a malicious user
- Every user belongs to a particular group and
a few special groups are built in.
- Each group has a name and a set of user rights (operations
- A user has the rights of all the groups he/she belongs to,
plus any special rights granted to that user by the
- Roughly two dozen user rights : define printers,
add hardware (such as ethernet cards), shut down.
User Manager controls auditing policy (i.e. keeping
a record of who accesses the system and when (and possibly
also from where)).
- Auditing can slow system - an overhead - use
User Manager to specify level of auditing required
- Audited user actions fall into 7 categories - such as
file and object access, login and logouts,
exercise of user rights - where actions within each
category can be audited for success or failure
- View audit records with the Events Viewer - can view
system events, application events or
security events - with each record containing a time-stamp
- Log also an object - and has an associated access control list - mainly for Administrators group - but also
authorised user
- Possible to force system shutdown when log is full!!
Object Reuse
NT's logical objects translated to physical RAM and disk space
- since these contain and recycle objects (swapping etc),
it is necessary to ensure that a user does not access the
remains of another user's work
- Erasing a DOS disk - DOES NOT really clear files contents
(simply mark region as being unused) - FAT table analysis
- Try to prevent this with NT - when NT creates a new object
- empty of data - clears previous object and assigns it
zero length
- Prohibits from reading past a file's logical EOF marker
- NT clears RAM (when allocating memory) and prevents
probing random locations (processes allowed to access only
blocks of memory granted to them)
Network Security
Still a major topic for NT - may come to this later
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Omer F Rana
Sun Feb 16 17:49:18 GMT 1997