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Maps symbolic file names to logical disk blocks (physical disk addresses) :
e.g. file in your account something.txt to drive 0, block 3 etc
- One level directory (flat structure) e.g. CP/M, RT 11
- Usually simple system holding subset of file attributes -
address and access control information
- In Unix a flat file system maps index (i-node) number of addresses (mapping of
a tree structure into a flat structure before performing the physical mapping)

Figure 1: Flat directory structure
- Two Level Directory Structure : Minimum requirement for multi-user
- Two levels of directories : a Master Directory containing one entry for
every user of the system, and a User File Directory : with one entry per file
- User directories can get very long - and name clashes may occur (this is the
equivalent of the one level directory structure above)
So what's the solution for having too many files ?
Better directory organisation dictates a tree structure
- Multi level Directory Structure (as in Unix, MS-DOS, Mac etc)

Figure 2: Multi Level directory structure
Omer F Rana
Sat Feb 15 19:06:41 GMT 1997