Next: File Access Methods
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Previous: Filing System functions
- Applications Programs : High level language interface to files :
Common access methods : Sequential, Random and Indexed Sequential
- Logical File System (Directory Level) : Mapping from symbolic names to file
locations (i.e. supports directory system) ... more on this later
- File Organisation Module : Allocation and management of file space (free space etc)
- Basic or Flat File System : Basic file access facilities (read, write a block of
file via a single level - flat directory structure). Block address to disk address translation
(e.g. drive, cylinder, surface, sector)
- I/O Control : Device drivers and interrupt handlers (transfer of physical blocks of
data between disk and memory)
- Devices : Disks on which files are stored
Archive Services : run as application programs
How can files be accessed from the programs (application) by the user ?
Omer F Rana
Sat Feb 15 19:06:41 GMT 1997