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Synchronous vs. Asynchronous I/O

Synchronous I/O

Asynchronous I/O

write(fd, buffer, length)
 {continue processing}
status = waitio(fd)
 {blocked waiting for I/O to complete}
 {continue processing}

How is waitio implemented ? Using semaphores :

PROCEDURE waitio(fd)
 return status

File Manager Process

PROCESS  fileman
  initialise data structures
  receiveany(source, msg)
  case msg.mode

  open : get device descriptor
    	 check access permissions and mode
	 if device free - allocate file descriptor
	 {what if device already open ?}
	 insert info. into descriptor

   close : ...

   read : use fd to find the file descriptor
	  save source in descriptor
	  check if request is valid
	  set up devicemsg 
	  send(device, devicemsg)

   write : ...

   I/O complete: If error - notify
		 find descriptor for device
		 send(user_process, status)

Figure 5: File manager data structures

open(device_name, mode)
 find device in device descriptor table
 IF (allocated) or (out of service) or
    (mode incompatible with operations supported)
    or (no access permissions)
    send(source, error)
    find free file descriptor
    set mode and device descriptor pointer
    set device status busy
    send(source, fd)

  IF (allocated to process)
     set device status free
     deallocate file descriptor

The Device Descriptor (held by the filemanager) contains :

Device Name
Access Control Information
Permitted Operations
Current Status : allocated, free, out of service etc
Current User : process id if allocated
Device Handler process id
Error Handling procedures - who to send what messages

Omer F Rana
Fri Feb 14 18:33:29 GMT 1997