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Take a stroll down memory lane :
1985 Present factor
MIPS 1 300 300
/MIPS 100 K 50 2000
Memory 128 KB 64 MB 500
Disk 10 MB 2 GB 200
Tape 200 MB 1 TB 5000
How to deal with this as a designer ?
Tradeoffs ? Time varing techniques
Methods which vary as the problems change ...
B<>History Phase 1 :
Cheap Humans - Expensive Machines
- Single user (highly protected environments)
- Batch programs (Job Control Languages)
(load, run, print, perform operation X etc)
- Data Channels / interrups (overlap I/O and computation).
DMA : direct memory access.
- Memory Proection and relocation
Multiprogramming : several programs run at the same time ; users
share system.
Multiprogramming requires memory protection to keep bugs
in one program from crasging system or corrupting other program)
What does this mean ?
Operating System become large complex programs that must
manage all these interactions.
Each step of operation seems logical, but at some point ...
B<>History Phase 2 :
Cheap Machines - Expensive Humans
- Interactive Timesharing : cheap terminals with
multiple users interacting simultaneously.
CPU time shared between all users. But what about
Thrashing (less time in CPU more for I/O).
- Personal computing - everyone has their own
- Resource sharing now with a Network.
BUT - what does this all mean ?
- Multics announced in 1963 RAN in 1969
(Unix based on Multics but simpler!).
- NT under development for the last 7 years -
- Situation today much like the past :
Operating Systems are enormous complex things
small OS : 100 K lines of code, to big OS : 10 M lines of code.
So where do we go from here ?
Key Aspect of this course :
"Understand Operating Systems so we can simplify them"
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Omer F Rana
Thu Jan 30 16:04:30 GMT 1997